What is the Renesas Electronics Group Hotline?
While you do business with Renesas Electronics Corporation and Renesas Group companies, have you experienced any compliance-related issues, such as "Is this in violation of the law?" or "Are there ethical issues?"?
In such cases, you usually consult with your superiors or colleagues at your place of work or contact the relationship staff division to solve the problem. If for some reason you are unable to consult with anyone else, what should you do?
Renesas Electronics Corporation has established the Renesas Electronics Group Hotline, a contact point that allows employees to consult and report compliance-related issues in such cases.
This contact point is available to REL executives and employees, business partners, dealers, contract for work and staffing companies, and the general public. If you face such a situation, please do not hesitate to use it.
Contents that can be consulted and reported
- Violations of compliance within the Renesas Electronics Group or conduct at risk.
- In the case of business partners, compliance violations or acts that may affect transactions with the Renesas Electronics Group, although they are problems within the business partners (problems within the business partners that are not directly related to the Renesas Electronics Group are not subject to consultation and reporting).
- Compliance refers to “compliance with laws and social norms”.
- Contents that cannot be consulted or reported.
- Items intended for slander or injury to others.
- False notification.
- Problems at companies other than the Renesas Electronics Group.
Who Can Access the Hotline
Executives and employees of Renesas Electronics Group, contractors, customers, suppliers, distributors, business partners, and the general public.
Flow of Consultation and Reporting
Consultations and reports can be made under the real or anonymous name to a third party on the Hotline.

Method of Consultation and Notification
We accept inquiries and reports via web entry or telephone.
- Web input
Access the following website and enter the contents of consultations and reports on the form.- Navex Global, Inc. Website: http://renesas.ethicspoint.com
- Telephone
Call Navex Global, Inc.'s International toll-free calling service (ITFS) below. (Can provide consultation and reporting in English, Deutsch, and Chinese)- 00531-110303
- 0066-33-830532
- 0034-800-600152
What is Navex Global, Inc.
Navex Global, Inc. is a comprehensive provider of ethics and compliance software, content, and services. We are trusted by 95 of the Fortune 100 companies in the U.S. and provide services to more than 13000 customers globally. We have a consigned service contract and nondisclosure agreement with Navex Global, Inc. and we do not disclose or leak the contents of consultations and reports to third parties (unless enforced by law).
Protection of Consulting and Reporting Persons
The facts and contents of the consultation/report are guaranteed to be strictly confidential by the parties involved in the response, and the person who makes the consultation/report or the business partner will not suffer any disadvantage from the consultation/report to the Hotline.