Monitoring CO2 is a key metric to help with indoor air quality, focusing on improving ventilation in residential and commercial spaces. High CO2 levels can lead to discomfort, impair cognitive abilities, and increase the likelihood of spreading contagions. CO2 sensing is a strong parameter to ensure healthy air quality for demand-controlled ventilation (DCV) systems and the modern smart home to improve your general well-being.

- An infrared light source is directed through the gas chamber, toward the detector
- The optical filter only passes a specific wavelength to the detector
- CO2 molecules in the chamber absorb this specific wavelength of light
- The detector measures the intensity of incident IR light to determine CO2 concentration (Lambert-Beer's Law)
Figure 1. Overview of NDIR Technology Principle of Operation inside RRH47000
Indoor CO2 levels are increased by the presence of humans, as this is a byproduct of exhalation. High indoor CO2 levels lead to feelings of stuffiness, drowsiness, and general poor air quality. High quality and fast CO2 sensing response is key for improving air quality in human environments. Strong metrics to use in addition to CO2, humidity and temperature, are provided by an onboard humidity and temperature sensor. This adds more context to the status of the air quality that can provide actionable solutions to end customers. In addition to demand-control ventilation (DCV), CO2 sensors are also used in smart home, smart agriculture, and industrial applications.

Figure 2. Renesas' RRH47000 Single-Channel NDIR CO2 Sensor Module
To maintain an accurate output of CO2 levels, the Renesas RRH47000 leverages a single-channel NDIR CO2 sensor, coupled with onboard humidity and temperature sensing. These three sensor parameters provide building automation, agricultural, industrial, and smart home consumers with high-quality metrics to improve air quality based on global regulations. End customers will have high confidence knowing that these sensors meet global industry standards. Renesas, with years of expertise in gas sensing, ensures that the sensor module meets key CO2 regulatory standards such as California Title 24, RESET, ASHRAE, WELL, UBA, WHO, EPA, and LEED.
The Renesas RRH47000 CO2 sensor module, with an onboard humidity and temperature sensor and Renesas MCU, provides a high-performing solution that helps solve unique air quality problems impacting our health, comfort, and well-being. HVAC and building automation systems can autonomously react and improve IAQ to this change, or notify users of conditions that may impact their health.
To begin your next product development with CO2 sensors, get a Renesas RRH47000 CO2 sensor evaluation kit, RRH47000-EVK, today!