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Automotive Standardization and Consortiums

Participation in Standardization Activities and Providing Standards-Compliant Devices and Software

In-vehicle LAN is now a "highway" of activity. Multiple items of various purposes and manufacturers are all connected to a single network, where signals move back and forth across a grand "highway."

In order for in-vehicle LAN to function as a dependable network, reliable connection and communications must be guaranteed as a premise through standardization. This must be confirmed by a third party agency or organization with open specifications, along with a conformance to standards.

Each consortium must be set up to determine specifications in an open environment, with a device certification system as a means of guaranteeing conformance. In short, consortium and certification must function together as a unit.

From the start, Renesas has participated proactively in various standards consortiums and been deeply involved in standardization activities. Renesas leverages the technologies obtained through these consortiums’ results and activities to provide global-standard devices and development environments that can be used with ease of mind.

Proactive Participation in Standardization Activities

Standardization Activities