RA2L1 MCU 群组中国本地评估板
CPK-RA2L1 评估板可通过灵活配置软件包 (FSP) 和 e2 studio IDE,帮助用户对RA2L1 MCU 群组的特性进行无缝评估,并对嵌入系统应用程序进行开发。用户可利用丰富的板载功能以及自选的热门生态系统插件来将丰富创意变为现实。
- CPK-RA2L1评估板
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本方案通过在 CPK-RA2L1开发板上运行 RT-Thread 实时操作系统,利用 QE for Capacitive Touch 插件实现触摸交互的可视化展示。QE for Cap-touch可以实现电容触摸按键的设定,并生成检测功能代码,解决方案将检测功能集成到RT-Thread操作系统中,并可以和低功耗组件进行适配,实现低功耗触摸设备的快速开发。
Software title
Software type
QE for Capacitive Touch: Development Assistance Tool for Capacitive Touch Sensors In developing embedded system using the capacitive touch sensor of MCUs, you can easily setup initial configurations of the touch interface as well as process the tuning of sensors, and reduce development time. [Plugin for Renesas IDE "e2 studio"] [Standalone Version] [Support MCU/MPU:RA, RL78, RX, Renesas Synergy™]
Solution Toolkit | Renesas |
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