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SmartAxiom IoT Management Secured from Endpoint-to-Cloud with Blockchain Technology



SmartAxiom software manages and secures IoT devices through a patented, lite blockchain technology running among those devices at the edge of the Internet – enabling them to defend themselves. Our peer-to-peer distributed ledgers improve security, latency, reliability, and manageability. Deployed on Renesas MCUs and MPUs, SmartAxiom has uniquely created the first true endpoint-to-cloud blockchain solution. SmartAxiom’s IoT Smart Contracts push intelligence to the edge by securely deploying automations, permissions, and updates. This RA Ready solution is widely applicable and proven in smart buildings, production, logistics, and vehicles.


  • Easy evaluation and development: Proven on Renesas RA MCUs and RZ MPUs
  • Low latency: Local response is much faster than cloud/server-based security
  • Redundant and reliable: No single point of failure at the security server or its network connection
  • Scalable and flexible: Distributed ledgers enable keyless peer authentication eliminating costs and certificate management complexity
  • Secure: To break the system, the majority of the nodes have to be hacked between transactions



  • Smart buildings and cities – Secure control and automation
  • Logistics – Raising trust in tracking devices and accelerating the supply chain
  • In and between vehicles – A car can defend itself and be an endpoint in a larger system
  • Industrial IoT – Securing the smart factory


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