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BACnet Start-Up [RZ/N2L-RSK]

This presentation describes the procedures for evaluating BACnet, which is used for communication of building equipment by BA (Building Automation), from setting up the environment to obtaining sample software and BACnet MS/TP and IP communication with BACnet clients. In addition, you can try interoperability from BACnet to OPC UA using the sample software of Gateway of BACnet to OPC UA.

Step 1: Get Evaluation Boards

The evaluation kit RZ/N2L-RSK for RZ/N2L MPU development is used as the BACnet server.

The RZ/N2L-RSK evaluation kit allows you to seamlessly evaluate RZ/N2L functions and develop applications for embedded systems using Renesas' proprietary Flexible Software Package (FSP) and various IDEs.


Step 2: Download Software

Obtain software for use in BACnet evaluation. These are available free of charge. Yabe, VTS, and Wireshark are externally provided tools.

Please refer to the RZ/N2L BACnet Application Note for details on the setup procedure.

  1. BACnet Sample Packages 
    The sample package contains the sample software and application notes needed to evaluate the BACnet MS/TP Server and BACnet IP Server. 
    RZ/N2L BACnet Sample Software
  2. Integrated Development Environment 
    The FSP integrated version of e² studio for RZ/N2L is used. 
    e² studio is an integrated development environment for Renesas microcontrollers based on the open source "Eclipse" software. 
    The current sample software is compatible with FSP v1.1.0. Please download it from the link below.
    e² studio and RZ/N2L FSP Installer
  3. BACnet Client Tools 
    BACnet MS/TP Master: Utilizes Yabe (Yet Another BACnet Explorer), a graphical window program for exploring and navigating BACnet devices. 
    Yet Another BACnet Explorer 
    BACnet IP Client: Utilizes VTS (Visual Test Shell), an application for testing BACnet IP functionality. 
    Visual Test Shell for BACnet
  4. Log Analysis Tool 
    Wireshark Packet Analyzer: Visualize BACnet MS/TP or BACnet IP communication packets using Wireshark. 

Step 3: Set-up the Development Environment

Configure the development environment for BACnet MS/TP or BACnet IP and execute BACnet MS/TP or BACnet IP communication.

Refer to the RZ/N2L BACnet Application Note for detailed setup procedures.

The RZ/N2L BACnet sample software implements an example user application using the Air Velocity Sensor Pmod™ Board [US082-FS3000EVZ]. BACnet communication can be evaluated without the air velocity sensor connected to the Pmod.

BACnet MS/TP Development Environment

  1. Connect a PC and the RZ/N2L-RSK evaluation kit in the configuration shown in the figure. 
    RS485/USB converter is used for BACnet MS/TP communication. 
    Two RS485/USB converters are used for packet analysis.
  2. Program the BACnet sample software from e2studio.
  3. Yabe is used as a client for BACnet MS/TP communication with the RZ/N2L-RSK evaluation kit


BACnet IP Development Environment

  1. Connect PC and RZ/N2L-RSK evaluation kit in the configuration shown in the figure. Set the network address of the PC. 
  2. Program the BACnet sample software from e2studio.
  3. Communicate over BACnet IP with the RZ/N2L-RSK evaluation kit using VTS as the client.

Step4: BACnet communication

Establish communication with Who-Is and I-Am using Yabe or VTS. After communication is established, various BACnet services can be checked. When the air velocity sensor Pmod™ [US082-FS3000EVZ] is used, the input value of the air velocity sensor can also be confirmed by the SubscribeCOV service.

Please refer to the RZ/N2L BACnet Application Note for details on the setup procedure and the services supported by the sample software.

Supplementary Information : OPC UA Connection

In addition, you can try the Gateway sample software that connects BACnet to OPC UA.

  1. OPC Gateway Sample Package 
    The sample package contains the sample software and application notes needed to evaluate the BACnet IP to OPC UA Gateway. 
    RZ/N2L BACnet to OPC UA Gateway Sample Software
  2. OPC UA Client Tool 
    OPC UA Client: Utilizes UaExpert, an application for evaluating OPC UA. 

Please refer to the Application note for RZ/N2L BACnet to OPC UA Gateway for details on the setup procedure with the sample software.


Demonstration of RZ/N2L Network Solution for Building Automation (BA)

RZ/N2L is an MPU for industrial Ethernet communication that can add network functions to industrial equipment and devices. This video introduces a network solution for building automation that uses BACnet communication with RZ/N2L.