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Utilizing the 2 CPU configuration of the RZ/T1 MPU, it is possible to run the communication stack program on the M3 side and the application on the R4 side. Also, develop the sensor or actuator application with an API called SDAI (Simple Application Interface) that can be used in common for each communication stack.


  • The main functions of each protocol stack are as follows.
    • Profinet IO Device: Conformance class A/B, MRP client, minimum cycle time 1ms, Netload Test Class III
    • EtherNet/IP Adapter: DLR, ACD, QoS, DHCP
    • EtherCAT Slave: FoE, CoE, EoE
    • CC-Link IE: Field Basic, Class A
  • Features
    • Application development using SDAI (Simple Device Application Interface) is possible.
    • Users do not need to consider stack characteristics.
    • There is no need to develop an application for each stack.
    • Users can focus on processing I/O data, processing diagnostic and alarm messages, and parameterizing devices.



  • Factory automation sensor and actuators (DI/IO/AI/AO remote IO, drives, valves, any kind of actuation devices, vision, laser, temperature, etc sensors.


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Product Brief PDF 166 KB 日本語
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