Renesas' RJH60D2DPP-A0 600V, 12A insulated-gate bipolar transistor (IGBT) features trench gate and thin wafer technology, built-in fast recovery diode (100ns typ.) in one package, and low collector to emitter saturation voltage. The device can be used for power switching applications.
- Trench gate and thin wafer technology
- Built-in fast recovery diode (100ns typ.) in one package
- Low collector to emitter saturation voltage
VCE(sat) = 1.7V typ. (at IC = 12 A, VGE = 15V, Tc = 25 °C) - High-speed switching
tf = 80 ns typ. (at Vcc = 300V, VGE = 15V, Ic = 12A, Rg = 5Ω, inductive load) - Short circuit withstands time (5µs typ.)
- Applications: Inverter
- Quality grade: Standard
- Power switching
- Inverter
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