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The ISL80102 and ISL80103 are low-voltage, high-current, single-output LDOs specified for 2A and 3A output currents, respectively. These LDOs operate from the input voltages of 2.2V to 6V and are capable of providing the output voltages of 0. 8V to 5.5V on the adjustable VOUT versions. Other custom voltage options are available upon request. An external capacitor on the soft-start pin provides adjustment for applications that demand inrush current less than the current limit. The ENABLE feature allows the part to be placed into a low quiescent current shutdown mode. A submicron BiCMOS process is used for this product family to deliver best-in-class analog performance and overall value. These CMOS (LDOs) consume significantly lower quiescent current as a function of load over bipolar LDOs, so they are more efficient and allow packages with smaller footprints. The quiescent current has been modestly compromised to enable a leading class fast load transient response, and hence a lower total AC regulation band for an LDO in this category.


  • Stable with ceramic capacitors
  • 2A and 3A output current ratings
  • 2.2V to 6V input voltage range
  • ±1.8% VOUT accuracy guaranteed over line, load, and TJ = -40 °C to +125 °C
  • Very low 120mV dropout voltage at 3A (ISL80103)
  • Very fast transient response
  • Excellent 62dB PSRR
  • 49µVRMS output noise
  • Power-good output
  • Adjustable inrush current limiting
  • Short-circuit and over-temperature protection
  • Available in a 10 Ld DFN



  • Servers
  • Telecommunications and networking
  • Medical equipment
  • Instrumentation systems
  • Routers and switchers


Type Title Date
Datasheet PDF 1.29 MB
Brochure PDF 10.21 MB
Product Change Notice PDF 326 KB
Product Advisory PDF 363 KB
Product Change Notice PDF 164 KB
Application Note PDF 509 KB
Application Note PDF 397 KB
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