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The ISL74420MEV1Z radiation-tolerant quad clock fanout IC evaluation board features the plastic version of the ISL74420M. Mechanical switches simplify configuration, enabling easier experimentation with frequency and delay selections.

This board is functionally similar to the ISL74420MDEMO1Z, an example small-footprint layout with SMD resistors for user-defined power-up configuration. Both versions of the ISL74420M boards support I2C interface, allowing override of the power-up pin-selected configuration.

Refer to the ISL74420M datasheet for more information, including:

  • Detailed I2C specifications
  • Helpful links to software tools
  • Approaches for writing to and reading from the device registers

The ISL74420MEV1Z evaluation board and accompanying manual provide a physical and electrical method to evaluate stand-alone operation of the ISL74420M. Before starting an evaluation, please review the ISL74420M datasheet for detailed information about operation, function, and performance.


  • User-settable switches for easy selection of frequency and phase configuration
  • Banana plugs for bench-supply connection to PVIN and VCCEXT inputs
  • SW3 (PVIN) for power cycling to enable strapping-sense connection updates
  • Dual-pin 0.1 spacing connectors or coaxial routing for clock outputs
  • I2C access for software control of internal device registers and associated operations


  • Clock source for switching power supplies


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Manual - Development Tools PDF 1.74 MB
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PCB Design Files ZIP 1.07 MB
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