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The MCU unit is a MCU-dependent hardware tool for the E100 emulator. Connecting it to the E100 emulator main unit allows you to configure a debugging environment for your target system. It is easy for the user to replace. [Learn More]

Target Devices


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Upgrade - Debugger Log in to Download ZIP 148.76 MB 日本語
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Item Description
Applicable emulator E100
Supported MCUs M16C/60 Series M16C/65, M16C/64A Group MCUs with up to 792KB program ROM
  • M16C/64C Group Note1
  • M16C/65C Group Note1
Applicable MCU mode Single-chip mode, memory expansion mode, microprocessor mode
Maximum ROM/RAM capacity (1)Internal flash ROM : 792KB
0E000h--0FFFFh : Data flash (8KB)
10000h--13FFFh : Program ROM2 (16KB)
40000h--FFFFFh : Program ROM1 (768KB)

(2)Internal RAM : 47KB
Emulation memory 1MB (allocates to 4 blocks by 4kB)
12MHz or less : 0wait, More than 12MHz : 1wait
Maximum operating frequency Power supply voltage : 2.7--5.5[V] 32MHz (with PLL)
Emulator power supply Supplied from the DC power of the emulator
Overseas standards ・European Standards: EN 55022 Class A, EN 55024
・US FCC Standard: FCC part 15 Class A


  1. Debugging function is usable under the environment of E100 emulator for M16C/64A and M16C/65 groups. The original target MCUs are, however, M16C/64A and M16C/65 groups so that the supported functions vary. Please make sure of the differences before using with M16C/64C and M16C/65C groups.
    Contact us for details.

Precautionary statements when using the memory space expansion function 4 MB mode.

  • To access the memory space expansion area in the download, the editor window (MIX display or disassembled display mode), the memory window or the watch window while operating in the memory space expansion 4 MB mode, be aware that only bank 7 can be accessed. In this case, the data bank offset depends on the offset bits of the data bank register.
  • When using the memory space expansion function 4 MB mode, execute the command for the memory space expansion function 4 MB mode to access each bank. For more information about the memory space expansion function 4 MB mode, please refer to each emulator's help page.


  • MCU unit (R0E530650MCU00)
  • Flexible cable (Mounted on the MCU unit)
  • 20MHz oscillator module (Mounted on the MCU unit)
  • CD-ROM (M16C R8C E100 emulator software)
    • - M16C R8C E100 emulator debugger (Including High-performance Embedded Workshop)
    • - Auto-update utility
    • - User's manual