Product Overview
The RZ/V2H built-in ISP (Image signal processor: Arm: Mali™-C55) is equipped with all the mechanisms required for camera control.
It also provides an image quality adjustment TOOL.
By combining the camera control function and image quality adjustment TOOL, it is possible to realize camera control suited to the application.
- Supporting 4K 2 cameras
- Supports the functions below:
- Black level correction
- WB gain
- Defect pixel correction
- Color correction
- Gamma correction
- Edge enhancement and sharpness filter
- Down-scaling and cropping
- Dynamic range correction
- 2-exprosure HDR (DOL)
- Shading correction
- Supports input formats: RAW12
- Supports output formats: YUV422, RGB
- Sensor input control
- Image quality adjustment TOOL
- Sample application for realizing the camera function