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AVL Software and Functions GmbH provides System FuSa Consultancy for Renesas R-Car SOCs.

Support and Consultancy for Functional Safety to Develop Automotive ECUs That Comply with ISO 26262.

It has become a challenge to efficiently develop complex advanced ADAS/automated driving (AD) systems that comply with functional safety standards.

Renesas provides automotive R-Car System on Chips (SoCs), RH850 automotive control microcontrollers (MCUs), power management ICs (PMICs) and software solutions that support levels ASIL B to ASIL D of ISO26262. However, to meet functional safety standards, the entire ECU system must be compliant, not just the semiconductor devices. Therefore, even with the use of R-Car and RH850 that meet the functional safety requirements, ISO 26262 compliant ECU development requires in depth system level expertise.

AVL has a proven track record of supporting the development of ISO 26262 compliant ECUs from both hardware and software perspectives. Through this collaboration, Renesas customers can leverage the sophisticated safety solutions of Renesas components, and benefit from AVL's expert support for functional safety, enabling reduced development time for ISO 26262-compliant ECUs.

AVL provides not only compliant but also customizable and efficient solutions e.g. opt. production costs

  • Compliance e.g. providing ISO26262 & ISO PAS 21448 compliant process relevant or technical solution.
  • Customization e.g. high flexibility for adaptation of existing solution to customer specific needs OR new development for high/low volumes.
  • Efficiency e.g. optimizing increased production costs due to redundancy as well as ensuring compliance.

AVL portfolio guides you through whole functional safety and SOTIF cycle.

  • Item Definition / Function and System Specification
  • Hazard Analysis and Risk Assessment / SOTIF Risk Assessment
  • Functional Safety Concept & Safety Analysis/ SOTIF Concept
  • Technical Safety Concept & Safety Analysis / Function and System Specification


  • Dynamic FMEDA (CAR Tool), customization service of FMEDA. R-Car V series supported. For other Renesas products, please check with Renesas or AVL representatives.
  • Functional Safety Technical Support Q&A regarding contents of Renesas Work Product deliverables
  • Functional Safety Workshop. Standard or customized workshop on Renesas Product by safety experts.
  • FuSa Software products. Integration support for MCAL, Core Self-Test, Runtime Test 3.  FuSa SW to be purchased at Renesas, partner will just support integration into system)
  • System Fusa consulting. ECU Level measure and Functional Safety Reference Designs

Target Devices

Videos & Training

FuSa Deliverables and Services

FuSa DeliverableDescriptionStandard by RenesasOptional via AVL
Development Interface Report/Agreement (DIR/DIA)DIR based on Development Interface Agreement (DIA) templatecheck-
Safety Requirement Specification (SRS)Safety requirements based on Assumption of Use (AoU)check-
Safety Application Note (SAN)HW SW Interface specificationcheck-
Safety Case Summary (SC)List of Work Products and their statuscheck-
Functional Safety Assessment Report (FSA)Summary version is provided. It shows completion of the activity and its summary of the results.check-
Static FMEDA (metric analysis tool)Static FMEDA is delivered by static CAR tool.
[For trial usage, Dynamic CAR Tool is available for one month.]
Dynamic FMEDA (CAR Tool)Customization service of FMEDA is available; all products are not in scope.-check
Functional Safety Technical SupportQ&A regarding contents of Work Product deliverables-check
Functional Safety WorkshopCustomized workshop by safety experts of partner.-check
FuSa Software productsIntegration support for MCAL, Core Self-Test, Runtime Test check