


The following environments have been added to the list of supported operating systems.
 - Ubuntu 22.04 LTS
 - macOS 14(Sonoma)

Security Key Management Tool is a support tool for key management systems and secure functions using Renesas security IP.


  • Compliant with key-management systems that use security IP modules incorporated in Renesas MCUs and MPUs
  • Wrapping of user application keys and DLM keys for secure key injection and secure key updating
  • Key data files can be output in a variety of file formats
  • Generate data for using security functions with Renesas security IP
  • See details for functions

Release Information

Supported Device FamilySecurity IP
RASCE9 (Protected Mode, Compatibility Mode), SCE7, SCE5, SCE5_B, RSIP-E51A
SynergySCE7, SCE5

Target Devices


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Software & Tools - Other Log in to Download ZIP 18.22 MB 日本語
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Manual - Development Tools PDF 4.09 MB 日本語 , 简体中文
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Additional Details


Output key data files for use in the installation and updating of secure keys

The Security Key Management Tool supports the following functions required for using Renesas security IP modules to inject and update secure keys.

  • Generating User Factory Programming Key (UFPK) files in the Renesas Key Wrap Service format
  • Wrapping DLM/AL Keys by using the UFPK for the injection of secure keys*
  • Wrapping user keys by using the UFPK for the injection of secure keys
  • Wrapping user keys by using the Key Update Key (KUK) for the updating of secure keys

* Only MCU families/security engines that support DLM/AL Keys are supported.

Output files support a variety of file formats

Wrapped key files can be output for different purposes in the file formats listed below.

FormatUse Case
Renesas key file*1Factory key injection
Motorola HEXFactory key injection
C source filesField key update, prototype key injection*2
Binary dataField key update

*1 Only MCU families/security engines that support key injection functionality in the boot firmware are supported.
*2 Not supported for RA RSIP-E51A and SCE9 Protected Mode.

Example of using the Security Key Management Tool during secure key installation


For more information about secure key injection and update on Renesas devices, please see www.renesas.com/iot-security.

Data generation for using security features with Renesas security IP

In addition to secure key injection and updating, it generates data for use in the following functions of the device.
Please refer to the hardware user's manual or application note of your MCU/MPU for the functions supported by your device.

  • Generate Key Certificate and Code Certificate for FSBL
  • Encrypt code/data for use with Decryption On-The-Fly
  • Prepare a file for use with Secure Factory Programming
  • Prepare a file for use with the TSIP UPDATE solution