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How to Download Software Tools for Windows® 7


Microsoft Corporation ended support for Windows® 7 on January 14, 2020.
With the expiration of support for Windows® 7, we end evaluation and operation guarantee in a Windows® 7 environment of our software tools released after January 16, 2020.
From now on, we will focus on support for Windows® 10 and Windows® 8.1.

To customers who continue to use Windows® 7 environments

We continue to offer old versions that run on Windows® 7 to customers using Windows® 7 environments.
Agreement with the following terms of use is required before using old versions.

Terms of Use

We continue to offer old versions that run on Windows® 7 to customers using Windows® 7 environments.
Customers who have a PC environment in which the latest version can run should use the latest version.
Old versions might contain bugs.
Note that we will not correct bugs in old versions, add functions to them, nor change them to support new MCUs. Please accept this before using old versions.
Information provided on download sites for old versions is based on information at the time of publication, and may no longer be valid. Please understand this before using such information.
Also, please agree to the following "Using Our Website":

How to Download Software Tools for Windows® 7

  1. Access "Documentation & Downloads Search" at the following URL:
  2. In the Documentation & Downloads Search page, select document types and software in the Type Filter (optional) menu, and type a (part of) product name or keyword, etc. in the Title/Keywords (optional) box.