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High-Precision Peltier Cooler System



The Peltier cooler is a device for heating and cooling that utilizes the Peltier effect, where heat is transferred by the flow of current between two different metals. It is widely used across industries such as food preservation, chemical processing, optics, and medical devices. The ability to easily switch between heating and cooling by reversing current, without any moving parts, eliminates noise and vibration, making it ideal for industrial environments that require stability, precision, and accurate temperature control.

This Peltier cooler system is driven by a 32-bit MCU with an integrated 24-bit delta-sigma analog-to-digital converter (ADC), offering the precision needed to control the Peltier cooler in real time. This integration reduces the overall BOM cost and board space by eliminating the need for an external ADC while maintaining high-precision temperature control. Additionally, the system's support for various industrial interfaces allows for easy integration into existing industrial networks, making it adaptable for applications requiring precise temperature regulation.

System Benefits​:

  • Integrated high-precision analog front-end (AFE) on a single chip ensures accurate temperature measurement and control, eliminating the need for an external AFE, thus reducing BOM costs and board space.
  • High-performance RX v2 core with a floating point unit (FPU) speeds up filtering and proportional-integral-derivative (PID) control operations, enabling faster and more efficient temperature adjustments.
  • Complementary pulse width modulation (PWM) output for H-bridge driver control enables high power-efficient control of the Peltier cooler, optimizing energy consumption for both heating and cooling.
  • The system supports various interfaces such as CAN, RS-485, and I2C, enabling seamless integration into most industrial networks and providing flexibility for a wide range of applications.



  • Peltier cooler/controller
  • Thermoelectric cooler/controller (TEC)

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4:3 ratio Sheet.1 Sheet.2 Sheet.3 Sheet.4 JP159 JP159 JP159 Heat Sink 1 Sheet.8 Sheet.9 Sheet.10 Sheet.11 Sheet.12 Sheet.13 Sheet.14 Sheet.15 Sheet.16 Sheet.17 Sheet.18 Sheet.19 Sheet.20 Sheet.21 Sheet.22 Sheet.23 Sheet.24 Sheet.25 Sheet.26 Sheet.27 Sheet.28 Sheet.29 Sheet.30 Sheet.31 Sheet.32 Sheet.33 Sheet.34 Sheet.35 Sheet.36 Sheet.37 Sheet.38 Sheet.39 Sheet.40 Sheet.41 Sheet.42 Sheet.43 Sheet.44 Sheet.45 Sheet.46 Sheet.47 Sheet.48 Sheet.49 Sheet.50 Sheet.51 Sheet.52 Sheet.53 Sheet.54 Sheet.55 Sheet.56 Sheet.57 Sheet.58 Sheet.59 Sheet.60 Sheet.61 Sheet.62 Connector Arrow.142 Heat Sink Heat Sink Heat Sink Hot Hot Cold Cold Peltier module Peltier Module Peltier Module Cold Side Cold Side Cold Side Hot Side Hot Side Hot Side Connector Arrow.168 Connector Arrow.171 Temperature Sensor (Thermocouple, RTD etc.) Temperature Sensor (Thermocouple, RTD etc.) Temperature Sensor (Thermocouple, RTD etc.) CAN Driver CAN Driver CAN Driver Sheet.171 Vcc Vcc Vcc <300mA <300mA <300mA DC FAN DC Fan DC Fan Temperature Temperature Temperature Sheet.177 Sheet.179 Resistor - Fixed Sheet.180 Sheet.182 Current Detection Resistor Current Detection Resistor Current Detection Resistor Sheet.225 Sheet.226 Sheet.227 Connector 1.162 Power Supply Power Supply Power Supply To Main System To Main System To Main System Sheet.232 Sheet.233 Sheet.234 Sheet.236 Temperature Signal (Voltage) Temperature Signal (Voltage) Temperature Signal (Voltage) <150mA <150mA <150mA 3.3V or 5V 3.3V or 5V 3.3V or 5V Sheet.242 Connector 1.162.243 <20mA <20mA <20mA Sheet.251 Connector 1.162.252 <15mA <15mA <15mA Sheet.254 Sheet.255 Sheet.256 Sheet.257 To Others To Others To Others Sheet.259 Connector 1.162.260 24V 24V 24V Input.262 Sheet.263 Vcc Vcc Vcc 12V 12V 12V Sheet.266 Sheet.267 Sheet.268 Sheet.269 Input.272 Sheet.273 Vcc Vcc Vcc <100mA <100mA <100mA Sheet.276 Sheet.279 Sheet.280 Connector 1.162.281 Input.282 Sheet.283 Vcc Vcc Vcc <100mA <100mA <100mA Sheet.286 Sheet.287 Current Sense Current Sense Current Sense Sheet.289 Input.292 Sheet.293 Vcc Vcc Vcc Sheet.296 Sheet.298 Input Connector Line LDO LDO LDO Digital Power Monitor Digital Power Monitor Digital Power Monitor H-Bridge Driver 1 H-Bridge Driver H-Bridge Driver H-Bridge Driver 2 H-Bridge Driver H-Bridge Driver DC/DC DC/DC DC/DC Transceiver RS-485 Transceiver RS-485 Transceiver RS-485 Nch Power MOSFET x2 N-Channel Power MOSFET x2 N-Channel Power MOSFETx2 Nch Power MOSFET x2 N-Channel Power MOSFET x2 N-Channel Power MOSFETx2 Sheet.300 MCU MCU MCU I2C I2C I2C ∆Σ ADC ∆Σ ADC ∆Σ ADC PWM PWM PWM UART UART UART CAN CAN CAN Connector Arrow Line Arrow Connector 1.162.304 Op Amp Op Amp Op Amp
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