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Impact of the February 13 Earthquake in the Coast of Fukushima Prefecture on Renesas Electronics Operation

February 14, 2021

A seismic intensity 6 upper earthquake struck the coast of Fukushima Prefecture and the surrounding areas on February 13 at 11:08 p.m. JST. 

We confirmed no casualties at the Renesas Group offices and affiliate companies. There was no damage to the buildings and utility equipment at the factories located nearby the epicenter, including Naka Factory (Ibaraki Prefecture), Yonezawa Factory (Yamagata Prefecture) and Takasaki Factory (Gunma Prefecture). Yonezawa Factory and Takasaki Factory are continuing operation. 

As for Naka Factory, although there was a temporary blackout, power has been recovered since and the utility equipment are under operation once again. The production line at Naka Factory has been temporarily suspend for safety purposes. Renesas has begun investigating the safety and possible impacts to the equipment and products within its clean room from the morning of February 14. 

We are also assessing the impact of the earthquake on our overall supply chain including the suppliers and partner companies. We will make further announcements as more information becomes available.