Renesas' radiation hardened controller area network (CAN) transceivers are compatible with the ISO 11898-2 standard for applications calling for CAN serial communication in satellites and aerospace communications and telemetry data processing in harsh industrial environments.
Product Selector: Rad Hard CAN Bus Transceivers
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Introducing Renesas' first radiation tolerant 3.3V controller area network (CAN) transceivers that are fully QML-V qualified and compliant with the ISO11898-2 physical layer standard. Find out the benefits of using the full CAN bus protocol over previously used interface protocols.
The radiation tolerant 3.3V CAN Bus transceiver includes the ISL72026SEH, ISL72027SEH, and ISL72028SEH.
Hello, my name is Josh Broline, the Mil and Aero Marketing Manager for Intersil Corporation. I am excited to introduce to you Intersil's first radiation tolerant 3.3V CAN Bus transceiver family, ISL72026SEH, ISL72027SEH, and the ISL72028SEH.
There have been a few mainstay communication protocols that have been used for years in typical satellite designs such as RS-422 and MIL-STD-1553. These have been very robust and reliable communication protocols for some time, so they were used over and over again.
However, these protocols have their limitations. RS-422 and MIL-STD-1553 have a limit on how many nodes can be on one Bus, do not have the same ease of use when it comes to data prioritization, it can consume much more power. The RS-422 and MIL-STD-155 protocols are often used in point-to-point communication designs, which greatly increase the amount of cables that are required versus CAN Bus protocol. With the introduction of a true CAN Bus transceiver, the total solution will be complete.
System engineers are excited to start flying a true CAN Bus transceiver for several reasons. Just to name a few, using the Intersil CAN Bus transceiver, power consumption will be reduced, the solution footprint will be reduced, true cold spare capability for redundant applications will be possible, and a radiation single event effects tolerant solution will be available.
The Intersil devices are compatible to the ISO11898-2 specification, in our guaranteed wafer-by-wafer to 75krad with a low dose ray exposure of 10mrad/s. Up to 120 nodes or transceivers can be connected to a single CAN Bus to reduce cabling, weight, power cost, also known as swap.
The devices operate off of a 3.3V bias voltage, but have a bus fault protection up to ±18V, even under a heavy ion environment, but particle energies up to 60MeV. Also, the transceivers can operate up to speeds of 1MB/s, which is in line with the ISO standard.
We offer three different products in this family. The ISL72026SEH has a loop back feature which provides a node diagnostic mode. The ISL72027SEH offers a split mode feature which helps improve EMI and EMC. The ISL72028SEH has a low power shutdown mode. We offer a complete set up supporting tool such as evaluation boards, data sheets, SEE, radiation report, SPICE, and IBIS models.
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