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Small Cell Radio: RF + Timing



The growing demand for higher bandwidth cellular services has led to a global increase in small cell radios and towers. This design highlights the intricate RF and timing layout necessary for efficient small cell implementation. It integrates advanced components to meet the complex requirements of modern cellular infrastructure, offering a comprehensive approach to small cell development. The system effectively manages RF signal processing and precise timing synchronization, which are essential for optimal performance in high-bandwidth cellular networks.

System Benefits​:

  • Sub-6GHz device targets the small signal RF chain from RF antenna to ADC for Rx and DAC to PA for Tx.
  • Advanced timing products provide very low phase noise and low spurious jitter for precise synchronization.
  • Supports input clock redundancy, mid to high clock fan-out, JESD204B/C, and IEEE 1588 for enhanced common public radio interface (eCPRI).
  • Offers single-chip synchronization and clock generation, reducing component count.



  • Cellular radio

Winning Combinations Interactive Diagram

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4:3 ratio Sheet.181 Sheet.182 Undo Sheet.1 Sheet.2 Sheet.3 Sheet.4 EU110 EU110 EU110 EU112 Power Block Power Block Power Block VGA Variable Gain Amplifiers Variable Gain Amplifiers 4 Element Antenna Array 4 Element Antenna Array 4 Element Antenna Array RF Amp RF Amp RF Amp RFAmp RF Amp RF Amp JESD204B/C Transceiver with Feedback Path JESD204B/C JESD204B/C Transceiver with Feedback Path JESD204B/C Transceiver with Feedback Path JESD204B/C Transceiver with Feedback Path Bias Controller Bias Controller Bias Controller RF RF Switch RFSwitch ASIC/FPGA Digital Front End ASIC/FPGA Digital Front End ASIC/FPGA Digital Front End 8V19N850 Radio Synchronizers & JESD204B/C Clock Jitter Attenuators Radio Synchronizers &JESD204B/CClock JitterAttenuators SyncE Rx Clock SyncE Rx Clock SyncE Rx Clock Frequency Control Word Frequency Control Word Frequency Control Word Clock Clock Clock SYSREF SYSREF SYSREF Sheet.73 Sheet.74 Sheet.75 Sheet.76 Sheet.77 Sheet.78 Sheet.79 Sheet.80 Sheet.81 Sheet.90 Sheet.93 Sheet.94 Sheet.95 Sheet.100 PA PA PA Shunt Sheet.25 Sheet.26 Sheet.27 Sheet.60 Sheet.82 Sheet.83 Sheet.85 Sheet.86 Sheet.87 Sheet.88 Sheet.89 Sheet.92 PA PA PA Shunt.108 Sheet.109 Sheet.110 Sheet.111 Sheet.113 Sheet.114 Sheet.115 Sheet.116 Sheet.117 Sheet.118 Sheet.119 Sheet.120 Sheet.126 Sheet.127 Sheet.128 Sheet.129 Sheet.130 Sheet.131 Sheet.132 Sheet.133 Sheet.134 Sheet.135 Sheet.136 Sheet.137 Sheet.138 Sheet.139 eC PRI Interface eC PRI Interface eC PRI Interface SyncE Tx Clock G.8262 Compl. HW Filtered SyncE Tx Clock G.8262 Compl. HW Filtered SyncE Tx Clock G.8262 Compl. HW Filtered 2 2 2 2 Sheet.144 2 2 2 2 Sheet.147 Clock Clock Clock SYSREF SYSREF SYSREF (7.68 MHz) (7.68 MHz) (7.68 MHz) (491.52 MHz) (491.52 MHz) (491.52 MHz) RxA RxA RxA RxB RxB RxB TxB TxB TxB Tx Feedback Tx Feedback Tx Feedback TxA TxA TxA Sheet.165 Sheet.157 Sheet.158 Connector 1.171 Sheet.160 Connector 1.161 Sheet.162 Connector 1.163 Sheet.164 RF shows x2 channels for simplicity. This would be repeated 32-times for a 64T64R radio. RF shows x2 channels for simplicity. This would be repeated 3... RF shows x2 channels for simplicity. This would be repeated 32-times for a 64T64R radio. Sheet.167 Sheet.168 Sheet.169 Sheet.170 Sheet.175 Sheet.58 Undo Sheet.176 Sheet.177 Connector 1.171 Sheet.184 Sheet.185 Sheet.186 Sheet.187 Connector 1.188 Sheet.195 Sheet.196 Sheet.197 Sheet.198 Sheet.199 Sheet.200 Sheet.201 Sheet.202 Sheet.209 Sheet.210 Resistor - Fixed Transformer Line.841 Inductor Air Core.509 Sheet.37 Sheet.38 Sheet.39 Sheet.40 Sheet.41 Sheet.42 Sheet.43 Sheet.44 Sheet.45 Line.29 Inductor Air Core.212 Sheet.48 Sheet.49 Sheet.50 Sheet.51 Sheet.52 Sheet.53 Sheet.54 Sheet.55 Sheet.56 Sheet.205 Sheet.206 Sheet.207 Sheet.208 Sheet.211 Sheet.213 Sheet.214 Sheet.215 Sheet.216 Sheet.229 Sheet.228 Sheet.221 Sheet.218 Sheet.220 Sheet.222 Sheet.223 Sheet.224 Sheet.225 Sheet.226 Sheet.227 Sheet.230 Sheet.232 Sheet.233 Sheet.234 Sheet.235 Sheet.236 Sheet.237 Sheet.238 Sheet.239 Sheet.240 Sheet.241 Sheet.242 Sheet.244 Sheet.245 Sheet.246 Sheet.247 Sheet.248 Sheet.249 Sheet.250 Sheet.251 Sheet.252 Sheet.253 Sheet.254 Sheet.256 Sheet.257 Sheet.258 Sheet.259 Sheet.260 Sheet.261 Sheet.262 Sheet.263 Sheet.264 Sheet.265 RF-Amp.22 RF Amp RF Amp RF-Amp RF Amp RF Amp RF-Amp.269 RF Amp RF Amp RF-Amp.270 RF Amp RF Amp Matching Network Matching Network Matching Network Matching Network Matching Network Matching Network
Exiting Interactive Block Diagram