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UPDATE 3 - Impact of the March 16 Earthquake in the Coast of Fukushima Prefecture on Renesas Operation

March 23, 2022

Renesas today announced an update on the impact of the earthquake that hit the coast of Fukushima Prefecture and the surrounding areas on March 16 at 11:36 p.m. JST on Renesas Group operation. 

Renesas operates three factories close to the epicenter: Naka Factory (Hitachinaka, Ibaraki Prefecture), Takasaki Factory (Takasaki, Gunma Prefecture) and Yonezawa Factory (Yonezawa, Yamagata Prefecture).

[Status of the Renesas Group’s factories]

  • Naka Factory, Renesas Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd.
    • We originally anticipated to reach full pre-earthquake production capacity (wafer input base) on March 23 JST. However, as a delay occurred due to failures of some manufacturing equipment, we expect to reach close to full pre-earthquake production capacity (wafer input base) on March 26 JST. As of March 23 JST, Naka factory has reached approximately 50% of its pre-earthquake production capacity.
    • Some damage was made to the work-in-process at the time of the earthquake. We are currently assessing the impact of the production loss from ruined work-in-process and loss from halted production.
  • Takasaki Factory, Renesas Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd.,
    • The start-up of all manufacturing equipment completed on March 22 JST, and production has recovered to full pre-earthquake production capacity (wafer input base) on March 23 JST, as initially scheduled.
    • Some damage was made to work-in-process at the time of the earthquake. We are moving forward to recover approximately 10 days’ worth of production, which the amount of ruined work-in-process and losses due to halted production account for.
  • Yonezawa Factory, Renesas Electronics Corporation,