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Low Voltage Inverter for 2/3 Wheeler Traction Motor Control



The adoption of two- and three-wheeler electric vehicles for urban transportation is increasing in response to the market demand for efficient, reliable, and cost-effective electric vehicles (EVs). This low voltage inverter for 2/3 wheeler traction motor control features an MCU and analog products, designed for high-power 48V motor control applications. The design includes inverter hardware design files and peripheral sample code, allowing for fast evaluation and development based on real-life use cases.

System Benefits:

  • Support is available to scale the 48V power stage of the inverter according to customer requirements, capable of driving up to a 10kW motor.
  • Supports connections with vehicle I/O, brake sensors, accelerator, gear, and drive modes, along with PWM output for the digital cluster.
  • Offers a comprehensive inverter evaluation for motor control applications using Renesas' automotive MCU.
  • Includes inverter hardware design files (schematics and Gerber) and peripheral sample code (for the motor control unit and resolver-to-digital converter), allowing for fast evaluation and development.



  • 2/3 wheeler traction motor

Block Diagram

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AS219 Connector Line.341 Connector Line.354 Connector Arrow.195 Connector Arrow.196 Connector Arrow.197 Connector Arrow.198 IPD Component block.631 IPD IPD IPD Connector Arrow Connector Arrow.158 Connector Line Connector Line.160 Sheet.172 Communication Lines B.135 Double arrow.137 Sheet.173 Communication Lines B.135 Double arrow.137 AS219 AS219 AS219 48V Battery Battery.328 Sheet.113 Sheet.114 Sheet.115 Sheet.116 48V Battery 48V Battery 48V Battery Connector Arrow.409 Connector Line.410 DC/DC DC/DC DC/DC PMIC PMIC PMIC CAN x3 CAN x3 CAN x3 ISO CAN 1 ISO CAN ISO CAN SENT x2 SENT x2 SENT x2 LIN x3 LIN x3 LIN x3 ISO UART x2 ISO UART x2 ISO UART x2 Connector Arrow.155 Connector Arrow.156 Connector Arrow.157 Connector Arrow.191 Connector Arrow.192 Connector Arrow.193 Connector Arrow.194 Connector Arrow.199 Connector Line.225 Connector Arrow.230 Connector 1 Connector 1.235 Serial Interface Serial Interface Serial Interface 15.6V/1.33A 15.6V/1.33A 15.6V/1.33A 1.2V/0.5A 1.2V/0.5A 1.2V/0.5A 5V 5V 5V 3.3V 3.3V 3.3V X X X Vout Vout Vout System I/O System I/O System I/O 12V External Supply 12V External Supply 12V External Supply 12V DC Supply Sheet.280 Sheet.281 Sheet.282 Sheet.283 Sheet.284 Sheet.285 Sheet.286 Sheet.287 Sheet.288 12V External 12V External 12V External DC-Bus Current & Voltage DC-Bus Current & Voltage DC-Bus Current & Voltage Phase Current Phase Current Phase Current Connector Line.298 Connector Line.299 Connector 1.300 Connector 1.302 Connector 1.303 Connector Line.305 Sheet.308 Sheet.309 Motor Sheet.296 M M M MOSFET x24 MOSFET x24 MOSFET x24 Half Bridge Driver Half Bridge Driver Half Bridge Driver Half Bridge Driver Half Bridge Driver Half BridgeDriver Connector Arrow.223 Net Loads Net Loads Net Loads MCU MCU MCU MCU VDD VDD VDD eVCC eVCC eVCC ADC 1 ADC ADC CAN CAN CAN ISO CAN 2 ISO CAN ISO CAN SENT SENT SENT LIN LIN LIN ISO UART ISO UART ISO UART GPIO 1 GPIO GPIO TSG3 TSG3 TSG3 ADC 2 ADC ADC RDC3 RDC3 RDC3 GPIO 2 GPIO GPIO Inductive Position Sensor Inductive Position Sensor Inductive Position Sensor Vertical Wire Bundle Label Text 10pt.1046 6 6 Sheet.344 Op Amp Op Amp Op Amp Connector Arrow.346 Connected signals arrow.345 Connected signals arrow.345.349 Op Amp x 2 Op Amp Op Amp Op Amp Op Amp Connector Line.353 Connector Arrow.355 Gate Driver Supply Gate Driver Supply Gate Driver Supply Op Amp x 3 Op Amp Op Amp Op Amp Op Amp Op Amp Connector Arrow.361 Connector Arrow.362 Connector Arrow.363 Connector Arrow.364 Connector Arrow.366 Connector Arrow.367 Op Amp Op Amp Op Amp Connector Arrow.371 Connector Arrow.372 Bi-directional Bi-directional.374 Bi-directional.375 Bi-directional.376 Bi-directional.377 Connector Arrow.224
Exiting Interactive Block Diagram