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Multi-Functional Cordless Drill with Wire Detection



As the Internet of Things (IoT) continues to expand into the home appliances market, devices such as smart drills will need to communicate with smartphones using common wireless communication protocols like Bluetooth® or Wi-Fi.

This energy-efficient, intelligent cordless drill design includes an electric wire-in-wall detection feature, along with additional programmable features such as drilling angle (vertical/horizontal/any angle), RPM limit for plastic materials, torque limit as an alternative to a mechanical switch, distance measurements, Bluetooth Low Energy (LE) connection to a smartphone for easy user setup, and optional haptic indication of electric wire detection.

System Benefits​:

  • Electric wire-in-wall detection integrated into a removable dust collector increases safety and eliminates the need for additional dedicated tools.
  • Indication of horizontal, vertical, or programmable angles removes the need for extra jigs or tools.
  • Low-cost Bluetooth LE allows users to comfortably control the drill via a smartphone.
  • Brushless motor with precise torque control increases efficiency and power while reducing overall weight.
  • Wide-angle observation display (IPS or OLED panel) improves work visibility and enhances the user experience.



  • Cordless drill with embedded safety and advanced functionality

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4:3 ratio Sheet.1 Sheet.2 Sheet.3 Sheet.4 EU126 EU126 EU126 20V Li-ion 20V Li-ion 20V Li-ion BLDC Motor Square.40 Inductor.10 Sheet.28 Sheet.29 Sheet.30 Inductor.14 Sheet.32 Sheet.33 Sheet.34 Inductor.18 Sheet.36 Sheet.37 Sheet.38 Dynamic connector Dynamic connector.27 Dynamic connector.25 Square Sheet.43 Square.41 Sheet.45 Sheet.46 Sheet.47 Diode - LED Sheet.49 Sheet.50 Sheet.51 Sheet.52 Sheet.53 Darlington.651 Sheet.55 Darlington.254 Diode - LED.57 Sheet.58 Sheet.59 Sheet.60 Sheet.61 Sheet.62 Darlington.651 Sheet.64 Darlington.254 Diode - LED.66 Sheet.67 Sheet.68 Sheet.69 Sheet.70 Sheet.71 Darlington.651 Sheet.73 Darlington.254 Diode - LED.75 Sheet.76 Sheet.77 Sheet.78 Sheet.79 Sheet.80 Darlington.651 Sheet.82 Darlington.254 Ground Sheet.85 Sheet.86 Exchangeable Li-ion Battery Pack Exchangeable Li-ion Battery Pack Exchangeable Li-ion Battery Pack 12V1Amax 12V1Amax 12V1Amax 3.3V1Amax 3.3V1Amax 3.3V1Amax 137mAmax 137mAmax 137mAmax 5.3mAtyp 5.3mAtyp 5.3mAtyp 2 2 2 2 Sheet.95 6 6 6 6 Sheet.98 6 Communication Lines B.795 6 6 6 20V/25Amax BLDC motor with 2-speed gearbox 20V/25Amax BLDC motor with 2-speed gearbox 20V/25Amax BLDC motor with 2-speed gearbox 3 3 3 3 Sheet.106 Working area illumination Working area illumination Working area illumination Sheet.109 Sheet.110 Sheet.111 Sheet.112 Sheet.113 Sheet.114 Sheet.115 Sheet.116 Sheet.117 Sheet.118 Sheet.119 Sheet.120 Sheet.121 Sheet.122 Sheet.123 Sheet.124 Sheet.125 Sheet.126 Sheet.127 Sheet.128 Sheet.129 Sheet.130 Sheet.131 Sheet.132 Sheet.133 Sheet.134 Sheet.137 Sheet.138 Sheet.139 Sheet.140 Sheet.141 Sheet.142 Sheet.143 13.5mAmax/20kHz 13.5mAmax/20kHz 13.5mAmax/20kHz Battery Double-cell 1 Sheet.155 Sheet.156 Sheet.157 Sheet.158 Line 1pt.1552 Line 1pt.1608 Connector 1.161 Connector 1.161.162 Connector 1.161.163 Connector 1.161.169 Connector 1.161.170 Connector 1.161.173 Sheet.174 Connector 1.161.175 Connector 1.161.176 Sheet.177 MCU MCU MCU Vdd VDD VDD I2C I2C I2C PWM PWM PWM Graphic IP Graphic IP Graphic IP ADC ADC ADC GPIO GPIO GPIO 3-Phase MOSFET Driver 3-Phase MOSFET Driver 3-PhaseMOSFET Driver MOSFET MOSFET x6 MOSFET x6 Buck 1 Buck Buck Buck 2 Buck Buck Bluetooth Low Energy Bluetooth Low Energy Bluetooth Low Energy Haptic Haptic Haptic ToF ToF ToF IPS/OLED Display IPS/OLED Display IPS/OLED Display EI. Wire in Wall Detection EI. Wire in Wall Detection EI. Wire in Wall Detection Protractor Protractor Protractor LED Driver LED Driver LED Driver Connector Arrow Connector 1.161.179
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