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Scalable SMARC 2.1 Gateway SoM with RISC-V MPU



As Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) systems expand, there's a growing demand for compact, modular gateway designs that support high-performance processing while maintaining low power consumption. The Smart Mobility Architecture (SMARC) 2.1 standard is increasingly preferred for IoT gateway designs due to its flexibility and ability to integrate key features like communication interfaces, display support, and optimized power management into a small form factor. It offers a modular approach to system design, enabling accelerated time to market.

This System-on-Module (SoM) design, compliant with SMARC 2.1, utilizes the powerful Renesas RZ/Five MPU and a full power and timing tree. It is optimized for IIoT gateways, providing low power consumption, communication interface support (Gigabit Ethernet, CAN, USB 2.0), and compatibility with sensor networks. Its support for a single clock generator and single power supply streamlines the design process, enabling faster development and a compact footprint.

System Benefits​:

  • Single-core configurations with a RISC-V CPU core deliver efficient processing power with low energy usage, making it ideal for IIoT gateways requiring continuous operation.
  • The Linux operating system provides a widely supported development environment, accelerating application development and ensuring compatibility with existing systems.
  • A single programmable clock generator and single power supply for MCU processing reduce design complexity and component count, minimizing the footprint for space-constrained industrial applications.
  • Extensive communication interface support (Gigabit Ethernet, CAN, USB 2.0) ensures seamless connectivity with a wide range of IIoT devices.
  • Low-cost logic ICs meet the SMARC standard requirements with minimal space, enabling a cost-effective, compact design that adheres to industry standards for reliable operation.



  • IIoT gateway

Winning Combinations Interactive Diagram

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4:3 ratio Sheet.1 Sheet.2 Sheet.3 Sheet.4 US244 US244 US244 Boot Logic/SD Select Boot Logic/SD Select Boot Logic/SD Select Power/RESET Logic Power/RESET Logic Power/RESET Logic Level Shifter Level Shifter Level Shifter Power / Reset / Boot SW Power / Reset / Boot SW Power / Reset / Boot SW Interfaces Interfaces Interfaces USB Logic USB Logic USB Logic Clock Clock Clock Ethernet PHY Ethernet PHY Ethernet PHY Ethernet PHY Ethernet PHY Ethernet PHY LDO LDO LDO uSD uSD uSD eMMC eMMC eMMC QSPI QSPI QSPI DDR4 DDR4 DDR4 DDR VTT Power PGOOD DDR VTT Power PGOOD DDR VTT Power PGOOD Sheet.56 Sheet.57 Sheet.58 Sheet.59 Sheet.60 Sheet.61 Sheet.62 Sheet.63 Sheet.64 Sheet.65 Sheet.66 Sheet.67 Sheet.68 Sheet.69 Sheet.70 Sheet.71 Sheet.72 Sheet.73 Sheet.74 Sheet.76 Sheet.77 Sheet.80 Sheet.81 Sheet.82 Sheet.83 Sheet.84 Sheet.85 Sheet.86 Sheet.87 Sheet.88 Sheet.89 Sheet.91 Sheet.92 Sheet.93 Sheet.94 Sheet.95 Sheet.96 Sheet.97 Sheet.98 Sheet.99 Sheet.100 Sheet.101 Sheet.103 Sheet.104 Sheet.105 Sheet.106 Sheet.107 Sheet.108 Sheet.109 Sheet.110 Sheet.111 Sheet.112 Sheet.113 Sheet.114 Sheet.115 Sheet.116 Sheet.117 Sheet.118 Sheet.119 Sheet.120 Sheet.121 Sheet.122 Sheet.123 Sheet.124 Sheet.125 Sheet.126 Sheet.127 Sheet.128 Sheet.129 Sheet.130 Sheet.131 Sheet.132 Sheet.134 Sheet.135 Sheet.136 Sheet.137 Sheet.138 Sheet.139 Sheet.140 Sheet.141 Sheet.142 Sheet.143 Sheet.144 Sheet.145 Sheet.146 Sheet.147 Sheet.148 Sheet.149 Sheet.150 Sheet.151 RTC RTC RTC VIN VIN VIN Sheet.163 Connector 1.166 Connector 1.166.167 Connector 1.166.168 Connector 1.166.169 Connector 1.166.170 Sheet.173 Connector 1.166.174 Connector 1.166.175 Connector 1.166.176 Connector 1.166.177 Sheet.178 Sheet.179 Sheet.181 Sheet.182 VTT (0.5*VDDQ) VTT (0.5*VDDQ) VTT (0.5*VDDQ) DDR VPP (2.5V) DDR VPP (2.5V) DDR VPP (2.5V) Vcore (1.1V) Vcore (1.1V) Vcore (1.1V) VDDQ (1.2V) VDDQ (1.2V) VDDQ (1.2V) D3.3V (3.3V) D3.3V (3.3V) D3.3V (3.3V) SD Card1 (1.8V / 3.3V) SD Card1 (1.8V/3.3V) SD Card1 (1.8V/3.3V) EtherD (1.8V / 2.5 / 3.3V) EtherD (1.8V/2.5/3.3V) EtherD (1.8V/2.5/3.3V) D1.8V (1.8V) D1.8V (1.8V) D1.8V (1.8V) SD Card1 (1.8V / 3.3V).192 SD Card1 (1.8V/3.3V) SD Card1 (1.8V/3.3V) Connector 1.166.193 VTT VTT VTT Connector 1.166.195 24MHz 24MHz 24MHz Audio Audio Audio Audio Audio Audio RTC RTC RTC Audio Audio Audio 25MHz, 3.3V.203 25MHz/3.3V 25MHz/3.3V 25MHz, 3.3V 25MHz/3.3V 25MHz/3.3V Carrier Board Carrier Board Carrier Board Sheet.208 MPU MPU MPU QSPI QSPI QSPI MMC* MMC* MMC* Ether MAC Ether MAC Ether MAC Ether MAC Ether MAC Ether MAC EXTAL EXTAL EXTAL DBSC DBSC DBSC USB 2.0 USB 2.0 USB 2.0 USB 2.0 USB 2.0 USB 2.0 SSI SSI SSI SDHI*/USB UART SDHI*/USB UART SDHI*/USB UART I2C / UART I2C / UART I2C / UART SPI SPI SPI I2C I2C I2C CAN CAN CAN UART UART UART SDHI SDHI SDHI Sheet.209 PMIC PMIC PMIC LDO1 LDO1 LDO1 Buck1 Buck1 Buck1 Buck2 Buck2 Buck2 Buck3 Buck3 Buck3 LD03 LD03 LD03 LD04 LD04 LD04 RTC RTC RTC Buck4 Buck4 Buck4 WTD WTD WTD LD02 LD02 LD02 I2C I2C I2C GPIO GPIO GPIO NRESET NRESET NRESET Buck_VIN Buck_VIN Buck_VIN NRESETREQ NRESETREQ NRESETREQ
Exiting Interactive Block Diagram