Hello everyone,
Today, for those who want to build security into their products and think it might be difficult, I will introduce a solution that can solve such problems.
As the IoT market is expanding rapidly, more innovative products and new services are being provided which take advantage of convenience from network connectivity. On the other hand, IoT devices that have network connectivity, edge devices, are under attack via the network and it is indispensable to implement security mechanisms. However, to make those edge devices secure truly, it is necessary to cover the wide range of devices and build a mechanism effective “throughout the life cycle”, such as design, release, and maintenance at the market and high expertise is necessary. The existing roles divided by each vendor cannot solve these challenges.
To solve these, I will introduce a comprehensive security service for edge devices, Edge Trust. Edge Trust is a security service that was developed by Ubiquitous AI Corporation and TOPPAN PRINTING jointly and that supports RX MCU with Trusted Secure IP(TSIP), which obtains CMVP level 3 certification under NIST FIPS140-2 security standard.

Edge Trust uses TSIP functions of RX MCU, such as Key/Certificate management, secure booting, and secure updating of software and builds Root of Trust with certificate, key, data encryption, and FOTA (Firmware Over The Air) so that the edge device can connect to a network as an authorized one and receive IoT services. Implementing Edge Trust at the design stage ensures robust security throughout the Device Life-Cycle Management (DLCM), like manufacturing, shipping, updating field, and closing the device. Then, it can release edge developers from work for supporting security at each stage of the device individually and realize the optimization of resources and cost in total.
Edge Trust comprehensively solves the problem of security, a big challenge of introducing to the edge device market throughout the device life cycle. Combining the secure general-purpose MCU RX series and Edge Trust can contribute to customers manufacturing and shipping their products for a long time reliably.
For more information, visit Here
For an introduction to Edge Trust by Ubiquitous AI Corporation, visit Here