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LoRa-Based Solutions

LoRa®-Based Solutions Enable Low-Power Wide-Area Networks

LoRa is a low-power wide-area (LPWA) wireless communication technology developed by Semtech that can communicate up to 20 km in line of sight. LoRa is designed for wireless data communications that send small amounts of data over long distances at a low data rate periodically or infrequently. By combining Semtech‘s LoRa transceivers with Renesas' ultra-low power MCUs and sensors, you can easily build a system with battery life of 10 years or more. 

Renesas is a member of the LoRa Alliance® and provides various software solutions for LoRaWAN®, a LoRa-based LPWA networking specification enabling secure communication with the cloud via the LoRaWAN network. In addition, we provide LoRa-based network software for private network communication. The software does not require a gateway and is optimal for small and low power networks.

LoRa® can communicate up to 20 km in line of sight


RL78 & RA Family Solutions

LoRa-based solutions for the RL78 and RA families, as well as the RA0E1 group, provide software for low power consumption and easy design, plus wireless evaluation tools for easy evaluation.

RL78 Family Lora Solution

Ultra Low Power LoRa Solution

Learn More

RA Family Lora Solution

Arm Based LoRa Solution

Learn More

Technical Standard

LPWA wireless network development continues to progress with the proliferation of IoT. Various standardization and promotion organizations are making vigorous efforts to create specifications and promote widespread adoption of their specifications to create a global IoT market.

The LoRa Alliance is advancing LoRaWAN standardization and its promotion, advancing efforts to develop low-power wide-area wireless networks that use frequency bands that do not require licensing. As an adopter member of the LoRa Alliance, we will continue to contribute to promotion activities of LoRaWAN, which are likely to expand further in the future

LoRa Alliance® Member

LoRaWAN Networks

LoRaWAN is a networking specification that simplifies system building and enables LPWA networks for the IoT as an open global standard. The graphic below illustrates how LoRaWAN networks connect IoT devices, gateways, network servers, and application servers, to meet a wide range of application needs. Visit the LoRa Alliance to learn more.

LoRaWAN Diagram


Private LoRa-Based Networks

Private LoRa-based networks communicate between devices through a LoRa-based protocol. User control of this communication protocol enables communication at any desired timing and provides flexibility for bi-directional communication. This eliminates internet communication costs and the necessity for gateways and servers—ideal for small-scale, low-power consumption networks. It is especially suitable for peer-to-peer and star-type network communications.

Private LoRa?-based Star Network

Star Network

LoRaWAN and Private LoRa-Based Network Comparison

LoRaWAN uses a standardized communication protocol, offers high interoperability, and easily connects to the internet via third parties, making it well-suited for building large networks

Private LoRa-based networks use a proprietary LoRa-based communication protocol, allowing control of communication speed and frequency to fit the environment—well suited for building small-scale networks.

 LoRaWANPrivate LoRa-based Network
ProtocolLoRa Alliance StandardProprietary (custom)
Cloud ConnectivitycheckOptional
Network CapacityLargeSmall
Building an EcosystemcheckOptional
Gateway/ServerRequiredNot Required
Communication CostOptionalcheck
Bidirectional CommunicationOptionalcheck
Low Power Consumption Featurescheckcheck
Security Functions (Encryption, Tamper-proof)checkcheck

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