

The Renesas R-IN32M3 Module Solution Kit is the perfect “accelerator” for developers who are new to the world of Industrial Ethernet. The certified hardware and software placed in the Solution kit enable developers to start development easily and shorten development time and test effort.


  • Ethernet communication is possible via USB power supply
  • Equipped with a protocol status LED
  • Equipped with Arduino and Pmod host interfaces


  • Interface expansion board equipped with an R-IN32M3 module
  • PROFINET, EtherNet/IP™, and EtherCAT® communication via host CPU sample software that includes sample applications, such as remote I/O and sensor.
  • Target board
    • EK-RA6M4, EK-RA6M3
    • Synergy SK-S7G2
    • RL78/G14 Fast Prototyping Board
  • Management tools that enable easy master functionality, firmware updates, module configurations, and error logging



Design & Development

Software & Tools

Software & Tools

Software title
Software type
QuickConnect Platform
QuickConnect platform enables fast prototyping by providing compatible hardware and software building blocks.
Software and Hardware Development Tools Renesas
1 item

Sample Code

Related Boards & Kits

Boards & Kits

Videos & Training

Introduction of Industrial Ethernet Module Solution