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Tracealyzer® is the premier solution for visual trace diagnostics for developers of RTOS- or Linux-based embedded software systems. State-of-the-art software tracing and trace visualization, developed in 2004, is designed to make it easier to spot and understand bugs, find solutions, and verify them. Out-of-box support is available for the RA family of 32-bit MCUs.


  • Over 30 views of the run-time behavior.
  • Custom logging of "User Events" to see states and variables over time.
  • Profiling views show you what parts of the system use the most resources.
  • No special trace hardware is required. Tracealyzer relies on efficient software instrumentation with minimal overhead.
  • Multiple RTOS and Linux platforms are supported, including FreeRTOS, Amazon FreeRTOS, SafeRTOS, Micrium μC/OS, ThreadX, Keil RTX5, and VxWorks.




Type Title Date
Product Brief PDF 983 KB
White Paper PDF 8.97 MB
2 items