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Storyboard is an embedded GUI development framework for creating engaging HMI applications with exceptional user experiences. Its unique decoupled architecture makes it simple to develop, test, and make changes to HMI applications at any point during development, enabling development teams to refine the application without disrupting already completed work. Storyboard supports the RA Family MCUs, RZ/A Series MPUs, and RZ/G Series MPUs. Download demonstration software at the Crank AMETEK website.


  • Accelerated UI Development: Provides powerful development capabilities with low coding benefits. Create GUIs from scratch or import files directly from popular design tools, such as Figma, Photoshop, Illustrator and Sketch. Re-import changed design files without causing a complete teardown of code
  • Purpose-built for Collaboration: Front-end design is decoupled from the back-end logic, enabling developers and designers to work in parallel without impacting each others’ work
  • Integrated Testing Framework: Makes the testing process more efficient. Integrate with Jenkins for an automated testing process
  • Project Scalability: Create UIs optimized for a wide range of hardware types using a single tool and easily port them from one Renesas platform to another



  • Industrial controls
  • Smart home / IoT
  • Smart building
  • Wearables
  • Home appliances
  • Consumer electronics
  • Medical
  • Kiosks
  • Point-of-Sale terminals
  • Automotive / Infotainment
  • E-Bike


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Product Brief PDF 364 KB 日本語
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Videos & Training

AMETEK® CRANK Graphics Storyboard™ on Renesas RA6M3 MCU

AMETEK Crank’s Storyboard™ embedded GUI design and development toolkit can make it easy to develop, iterate, and validate GUI applications simultaneously resulting in reliable UI performance. Storyboard is compatible with RA6M3 family MCUs.