The RJE0605JPV is a power switch MOSFET that can control ON/OFF between drain and source by applying voltage to the gate. The gate of the power MOSFET has a built-in overheat cutoff circuit, which protects against abnormal ambient temperature rises, overpower, and overcurrent. It has the function of protecting the power MOSFET by gate cutoff operation against the heat generated by the MOSFET.
- Logic level (-6V) driven power MOSFET
- Built-in overheat cutoff circuit enables power MOSFET protection in high-temperature conditions
- Improved resistance to load short circuits
- The overheat cutoff method is a latch type. After the overheat cutoff circuit operates, it will return to zero bias with the gate voltage
- Built-in current limiting circuit
- Low ON-resistance: 58mΩ Typ. 75mΩ Max (VGS = -10V)
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