Renesas offers monolithic CMOS voltage conversion ICs that perform supply voltage conversions from positive to negative for an input range of 1.5V to 12V, resulting in complementary output voltages of -1.5V to -12V.
Switched Capacitor Converters
Renesas switched capacitor DC/DC converter technology is at the forefront of optimizing next-generation mobile devices, with a power efficiency of over 98%. These converters can be used in cascaded configuration with PMICs to make 2S battery system power regulation more efficient and reduce PCB board area and component height to less than < 50% and height to < 1mm, compared to inductor-based buck configuration.
This converter family allows system designers to transition from a 1S to a 2S system without any changes in their power tree. Switched capacitor DC/DC converters can also be used to directly charge single-cell Lithium batteries, reduce routing loss by 75%, and enable 3A USB cables to deliver up to 6A for charging.