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IP Utility - TCAM FE-Lib for Product Study

The FE library for trials verifies potential of new Advanced power-saving TCAM solutions to be supplied

TCAM FE-Lib for trials toward the product specifications examination phase allows customers to study new solutions using the TCAM macro with a desired configuration suited for advanced technologies such as TSMC N7.

What are “TCAM solutions” to be newly supplied?

  • FE-Lib of the TCAM is provided before concluding IP license.
  • Allows customers to examine specifications of the TCAM macro with a desired configuration suited for advanced technologies (such as 7 nm).
  • The advanced TCAM macro with functions (including extended search function and power saving using pre-search) can be incorporated in customers’ original devices.
  • Cost-effective TCAM macro (such as area-saving and high-efficiency DFT technology using custom macros).

Provision of cutting-edge TCAM macro and functions that provide added value further enhances the value of customers’ applications.

Value of New TCAM Solutions

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