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Select the Form of License That Suits Your Pattern of Development

You can choose following types of Renesas compiler license listed in the following table for your development.
You can use a compiler product free of charge to evaluate its functions and performance before purchasing it.
See this page for the details of the free evaluation editions >>
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What should I install to build environment with Floating License?
Checking Expiration Date of Annual Licenses
Applying Purchased License to Evaluation Edition (CC-RL/CC-RX/CC-RH)

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Videos & Training

CC-RL/CC-RX/CC-RH Compiler Tutorial - Introduction of Renesas Compiler License Types

This video introduction to the license types of Renesas compiler.

For more information, please visit Compiler License.

CC-RL/CC-RX/CC-RH Compiler Tutorial

  1. Introduction of Renesas Compiler License Types [02:50]  *This video
  2. How to Use a License Manager [02:27]
  3. How to Use a Floating License [03:56]

Other tutorial videos can also be viewed below.

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Additional Details

Compiler License Types


[Tips] up to your development style

Selecting a license to suit your style of development
Form of PCs usage
Node-Locked license
  • A license is assigned to one particular PC.
Floating license
  • A license server shares the license among PCs on a network.
Professional edition
  • In addition to the features of the Standard editions, the Professional editions provide advanced features which help to improve the quality of your programs and shorten development periods.
Standard edition
  • The Standard editions provide the basic features which are necessary for the development of embedded programs.
Annual license
  • Expiry date of the license: One year
  • Lower price than a permanent license
Permanent license
  • Expiry date of the license: None
UpgradingUpgrade (edition) license
  • A Standard edition can be upgraded to a Professional edition.
  • Supported license type: Permanent node-locked license
Upgrade (version) license
  • Purchasing a license of this type allows you to upgrade your compiler to the latest version at a lower price than by newly purchasing the latest version of the compiler.
  • Supported license types: Permanent node-locked and floating licenses


Node-Locked License and Floating License

Node-Locked License

  • These licenses allow you to use a compiler on one specific PC per license.

Floating License

  • The licenses for the software are managed on a server, and are available for use on the PCs connected to a network within the range of the number of licenses.
  • A license is available while a PC is connected with the server on the network.
  • To use the license while disconnected from the network that includes the license server, customers can hold the license for a fixed period (as a number of days up to 99). Once the period which has been specified with the client elapses, the held license expires.
  • The license resides on a client PC for 30 minutes after it is obtained at the start of building. If building has not finished after the 30 minutes have elapsed, the client PC retains the license for another 30 minutes. This cycle is repeated until building is finished.

Professional and Standard Edition

Professional edition

In addition to the features of the Standard editions, the Professional editions provide advanced features which help to improve the quality of your programs and shorten development periods. See the table below for the features and the supported compilers. Refer to Renesas Compilers Professional Editions (PDF | English, 日本語) for details of the features. You can refer to the Tool News for each of the features from the links in the table.

Standard edition

The Standard editions support C programming language specifications which comply with ANSI standards. These editions combine the basic features which are necessary for writing embedded programs with strong optimization functionality.

Additional Features of Professional Edition

Features of the Professional EditionDocumentCC-RLCC-RXCC-RH
Checking of source code against MISRA-C: 2004/2012 rules (Note)descriptionlenslenslens
Detection of stack smashingdescriptionlenslenslens
Enhanced security for dynamic memory management functionsdescriptionlenslenslens
Function to detect illegal indirect function callsdescriptionlenslenslens
Half-precision floating-pointdescriptionlens
Synchronization function working when control registers are updateddescriptionlens

lens Supported | — Support is not planned.


  • MISRA C is a set of guidelines developed by a non-profit organization, the Motor Industry Software Reliability Association (MISRA), regarding the reliability of software in the C programming language, particularly that for use in the automotive industry. More than 100 rules are set as guidelines regarding code in the C language. These rules are called MISRA C rules.
  • "MISRA" and the triangle logo are registered trademarks of HORIBA MIRA Ltd, held on behalf of the MISRA Consortium.

Annual License and Permanent License

Annual license

  • An annual license is valid for one year. The valid period is one year from initial registration with the Renesas Web site of the license acquisition code which accompanies the compiler product.
  • This license becomes valid after a license key is acquired by registering the license acquisition code with the Renesas Web site. (Note1)
  • The price of an annual license is lower than that of a permanent license.
  • Annual licenses are useful in terms of flexibility in response to varying numbers of users in your team over time.

Permanent license

  • No limit applies to the period of use for permanent licenses.
  • A permanent license is made effective by registering the license key that accompanies the compiler product.


  1. To acquire the license key which is required to use a compiler product, select [Obtaining a Subscription License Key] from the menu shown after logging-in to My Renesas and register the license acquisition code which is included with the compiler product.

Upgrade (edition) License

If you have a node-locked license for a standard edition, you can upgrade from the standard edition to a professional edition by additionally registering an Upgrade (edition) License.

Note that floating licenses and annual licenses cannot be upgraded in this way. This form of upgrade is only available for node-locked licenses.


Upgrade (version) License

The compiler licenses differ with the version. For example, V1.**.** and V2.**.** have different licenses since they are different versions.

In case of a license for an old version, you can use a new version of the compiler at low cost by additionally registering a Upgrade (version) License.

These licenses allow you to use both the new and old versions of a compiler.

This form of upgrade does not apply to annual licenses.


Applicable Compilers and Minimum Required Version for Compiler License

Applicable MCUsProduct nameCompiler nameMinimum required version of compiler license
Standard and Professional editionAnnual licenseFloating LicenseUpgrade (edition) LicenseUpgrade (version) License
RL78C Compiler Package for RL78 FamilyCC-RLV1.01.00V1.01.00V1.01.00V1.01.00
RXC/C++ Compiler Package for RX FamilyCC-RXV2.04.00V2.03.00V2.03.00V2.04.00V3.00.00
RH850C Compiler Package for RH850 FamilyCC-RHV1.03.00V1.02.00V1.02.00V1.03.00V2.00.00

Evaluation Edition

Before purchasing a compiler license, you can use an evaluation edition free of charge for evaluating the features and performance of the compiler product.

  • During the trial period, you can use not only the standard edition (with basic features for embedded programs) without restrictions but also the professional edition (with advanced features for improving the efficiency of development).
  • The trial period is the 60 days from the day the first build is executed after installing an evaluation edition.


Points of difference between usage within and after the trial period

CompilerItemEvaluation edition (within the trial period)Evaluation edition (after the trial period)After purchasing a license  
Commercial usagelens
Standard edition (basic features)lensRestrictions on the linkage size  Note1lens
Professional edition (advanced features)lens     lens Note3
Technical support (contact)lens
CC-RLCommercial usagelens Note2lenslens
Standard edition (basic features)lensV1.11.00 or earlier versions: Restrictions on the linkage size  Note1               
V1.12.00 or later versions: Restrictions on the level of optimization  Note1
Professional edition (advanced features)lens     lens Note3
Technical support (contact)lens

lens Available | — Not available


  1. After the trial period has expired, the linkage size or optimization will be restricted.
    • Restrictions on the linkage size                     
      CC-RL (V1.11.00 and earlier versions): no more than 64 KB, CC-RX: no more than 128 KB, CC-RH: no more than 256 KB
    • Restrictions on the level of optimization                     
      CC-RL (V1.12.00 and later versions): The only selectable level of optimization is -Onothing (debug precedence) or -Olite (partial optimization).
  2. The CC-RL is available for use in commercial purposes regardless of whether you have a license or not. However, you cannot use the features which are only available during the trial period for commercial purposes. If you will be using the CC-RL beyond the restrictions on the linkage size or optimization or would prefer to use the professional edition for commercial purposes, consider purchasing a compiler license.
  3. If you intend to use the features of the professional edition, consider purchasing the license for the professional edition.


Software License Agreement

Latest version

CC-RX V3.06.00 or later, CC-RL V1.13.00 or later, and CC-RH V2.06.00 or later

Licenses Software License Agreement
Node-Locked LicenseannualSoftware License Agreement LLWEB-20179381
Floating Licenseannual

Previous version

CC-RX V3.05.00 or earlier, CC-RL V1.12.01 or earlier, and CC-RH V2.05.00 or earlier

Licenses Software License Agreement
Node-Locked LicenseannualSoftware License Agreement *IDF-16-015635
permanentSoftware License Agreement *IDF-15-015427
Floating LicenseannualSoftware License Agreement *IDF-16-015637
permanentSoftware License Agreement *IDF-15-005414-01