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The IE850A is equipped with a rich variety of debugging functions, such as events, tracing, and time measurement. This full spec emulator features 9 GB of memory for storing histories of program execution, enabling the saving and checking of histories of program execution over longer periods.


  • Collect long-term program execution histories
    The emulator has 9 GB of memory for collecting histories of program execution, such as branches and data access. The emulator handles the memory as a set of trace frames, each with a capacity of up to 1 GB. The total capacity allows the saving and checking of histories of program execution over longer periods.
  • Use IE850A and E2 emulator on the same user system
    The IE850A emulator supports devices equipped with the Aurora trace interface, a scalable and lightweight link-layer protocol for high-speed serial communications. Having a 34-pin connector for Aurora protocol communications on the target side, the IE850A can be used to collect histories of program execution over longer periods for use in defect analysis.
  • An E2 emulator can also be connected to the user system by using a conversion adapter. 
    You can then use the E2 for standard debugging and the IE850A for debugging that requires close trace analysis.
  • Rich Variety of Debugging Functions
    As a full-spec. emulator, the IE850 is equipped with a rich variety of debugging functions. Along with basic functions such as stepped execution, breaks and RAM monitoring, it also supports time measurement, tracing and measurement of coverage for more efficient system development.
  • Learn More

Release Information

Software to be usedTarget devicesLatest VersionReleasedOperating Environment
*Evaluation Software Download
[Details] Functions Supported by CS+ (XLSX) (XLSX | English, 日本語)
V8.13.00 Note2Jan. 20, 2025Operating Environment
e² studio
[Details] Target Devices
(64-bit version)
Jan. 20, 2025
Green Hills Multi Note1RH850For the details, contact Green Hills Software.


  1. As for tools produced by partners, contact each company directly.
  2. If you hope to continue to use the product on the Windows 32-bit version, use the CS+ IDE V8.06 and earlier that supports the 32-bit versions.
    [Notification] End of Support: CS+ Integrated Development Environment for Windows 32-Bit Versions (PDF | English, 日本語)

Release information (See Tool News)

User's Manual

Target Devices


Additional Details


Specifications of IE850A Main Unit

Host machine interfaceUSB (USB2.0, High-speed / Full-speed)
Power supply for emulatorSupplied from the AC adapter separately available
Emulator main unit external dimensions (mm)165.1(W) x 115.7(D) x 67(H)
Emulator main unit weightApprox. 800 g
Conformance with overseas standardsEuropean Standards: EN 55032 Class A, EN 55024 
US FCC Standard: FCC part 15 Class A



  • Emulator main unit (IE850A)
  • USB interface cable
  • Stick for unplugging EA from POD


System Configuration

System Configuration


Optional Products (Sold Separately)

Emulation Adapter for RH850 Family

Emulation AdapterTarget MCUs
RTE7702012EAB00000JRH850/E2UH, RH850/E2H
RTE7702200EAB00000JRH850/U2A16, RH850/U2A8, RH850/U2A6
RTE7702500EAB00000JNote1RH850/U2B24, RH850/U2B10, RH850/U2B6
RTE7702500EAB0K000JNote2RH850/U2B24, RH850/U2B10


  1. On-board debug chip R7F702Z20ADBG (Performance configuration)
  2. On-board debug chip R7F702Z2KADBG (Safety configuration)

Refer to List of Emulation Adapter for RH850 Family (PDF | English, 日本語) for more details of the optional products for RH850 Family .

AC adapter

Specifications of the AC adapter for IE850A vary depending on the region. Be sure to use an adapter designed for your region. AC adapter is not bundled with the IE850A.

RegionModel No. 
Hong KongQB-V850E2-PW-HKThe order acceptance has been closed.
KoreaQB-V850E2-PW-KRThe order acceptance has been closed.
SingaporeQB-V850E2-PW-SGThe order acceptance has been closed.


  • For use in regions other than those mentioned above, the customer must provide an AC adaptor that conforms to the laws and regulations of the region where the product will be used.
    AC adaptor specifications: 15V 4A, DC plug standard: PLUG No.=PL05B (EIAJ No.=EIAJ-5) DC plug outer diameter 6.5mm, inner diameter 4.3mm, centre plus

Trace Cable for the IE850A

You will also need the trace cable for the IE850A to connect it to the target system.

ProductModel No.
Trace cable for the IE850ARTE0T0850AKCAC0000J

conversion adapter

ProductModel No.
34-pin to 46-pin conversion adapterRTE0T0850AKCA00000J

This conversion adapter is included with the RH850/U2B emulation adapter package, but can also be purchased as an option.

Ordering Information

This product can be purchased through the normal sales channels.

Product NameOrderable part number
IE850A RTE0T0850AKCT00000J