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The popular Microsoft® Visual Studio Code simplifies and accelerates code editing across a variety of platforms and operating systems.

Renesas provides the Build and Debug Extensions for Visual Studio Code which enables users to develop embedded software for Renesas devices.
With this support, in addition to Renesas IDE e2 studio, Visual Studio Code can also be used as an development environment for Renesas devices according to your preference.

You can download Visual Studio Code from the Visual Studio Code website.
Renesas Extensions can be downloaded from here, or installed on the Visual Studio Code. See the videos and help for the details.

Note: Visual Studio Code, VS Code, and the Visual Studio Code icon are trademarks of Microsoft Corporation.

Target Devices

Videos & Training

Additional Details

Refer to the online HELP for the instructions of Setup, Build and Debug using Renesas Extensions for Visual Studio Code.  For the usage of Visual Studio Code, see the Microsoft Visual Studio Code Document