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QE for USB is a tool for embedded software development currently supports system development involving the USB modules of RX family and RL78 family devices. It eases the debugging of USB systems, shortening development periods and lowering costs.

By expanding the existing integrated development environment (IDE), it will help in resolving problems in development for systems which use the USB such as :
"How do I actually include the USB in my embedded application?"
"It seems the USB is not connecting even though I've included the code."

This product is a plug-in which extends the Renesas IDE "e² studio". You can download and utilize it free of charge.


  • View transitions of the USB state at a glance: [USB State Chart (QE)] view
  • The registers to be set are listed, and pop-up messages indicate errors in settings: [USB Setting Registers (QE)] view
  • Check the settings for USB descriptors in a dedicated list: [USB Descriptors (QE)] view
  • Rapidly activated communications monitoring tool: [Simplified Protocol Analysis (QE)]
  • Learn More

Release Information

QE for USB

Latest Ver.: V1.2.1

Released: Jan 20, 2017

Operating Environment

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View transitions of the USB state at a glance: [USB State Chart (QE)] view

A state chart of the USB connection (enumeration) process is displayed in real-time. As well as confirming the success of connection, the user can visually check the state and timing where processing stopped when connection has failed, which enables a problem to be quickly solved.


The registers to be set are listed, and pop-up messages indicate errors in settings: [USB Setting Registers (QE)] view

The register values and descriptions related to the settings for USB connection are indicated. If a register is not set to a correct value needed for connection, it is marked "NG" (no good) and the user can find problems simply by opening this view. For some MCUs, the tool also supports another feature where placing the mouse cursor over a register value in the view pops up a message with the meaning of the value so the user can see how to correct the setting.


Check the settings for USB descriptors in a dedicated list: [USB Descriptors (QE)] view

This is a list of the descriptor values and states which are set in the process of USB connection (enumeration). If the value of a descriptor is incorrect, it is marked "NG". A single-click on an "NG" location will cause a jump to the corresponding source code so the user can immediately edit it.


Rapidly activated communications monitoring tool: [Simplified Protocol Analysis (QE)] view (Note1)

This feature activates the free and open "Wireshark" protocol analyzer, in this case for the monitoring of USB communications. Contents of USB connection can be checked through this view. To use this feature, "Wireshark" and "USBPcap", a free packet capture software tool, should also be installed.



  1. [Simplified Protocol Analysis (QE)] view supports Wireshark V1.12.10. This view does not support latest Wireshark. For Wireshark version 2 or later, it can monitor USB communication by itself.

Applicable MCUs and Supported USB Firmware

Applicable only to the USB peripheral modules

MCUs Firmware Rev.
RX71M, RX65N, RX651, RX64M, RX63N, RX631 USB Basic Host and Peripheral Driver Firmware Integration Technology 1.11 - 1.20
USB Peripheral Mass Storage Class Driver (PMSC) Firmware Integration Technology
USB Peripheral Communications Device Class Driver (PCDC) Firmware Integration Technology
USB Peripheral Human Interface Device Class Driver Firmware Integration Technology
USB Peripheral Mass Storage Class Driver(PMSC) Using Firmware Integration Technology Modules
USB Peripheral Communications Device Class Driver(PCDC) Using Firmware Integration Technology Modules
USB Peripheral Human Interface Devices Class Driver Using Firmware Integration Technology Modules
RX63N, RX631, RX62N, RX621 Renesas USB MCU and USB ASSP USB Basic Host and Peripheral firmware 2.10
Renesas USB MCU and USB ASSP USB Peripheral Mass Storage Class Driver(PMSC) 2.10 - 2.30 (RX62N, RX621) 2.10 (RX63N, RX631)
Renesas USB MCU and USB ASSP USB Peripheral Communications Device Class Driver(PCDC)
Renesas USB MCU and USB ASSP Peripheral Human Interface Devices Class Driver(PHID)
RX231, RX111 USB Basic Mini Host and Peripheral Driver (USB Mini Firmware) Firmware Integration Technology 1.01 - 1.02
1.10 (Notes 1, 2)
USB Peripheral Mass Storage Class Driver for USB Mini Firmware Firmware Integration Technology
USB Peripheral Communications Device Class Driver for USB Mini Firmware Firmware Integration Technology
USB Peripheral Human Interface Device Class Driver for USB Mini Firmware Firmware Integration Technology
USB Peripheral Mass Storage Class Driver for USB Mini Firmware Using Firmware Integration Technology Modules
USB Peripheral Communications Devices Class Driver for USB Mini Firmware Using Firmware Integration Technology Modules
USB Peripheral Human Interface Devices Class Driver for USB Mini Firmware Using Firmware Integration Technology Modules
RL78/G1C, RL78/L1C USB Host and Peripheral Basic Mini Firmware 2.15
USB Peripheral Mass Storage Class Driver (PMSC) using Basic Mini Firmware
USB Peripheral Communications Device Class Driver (PCDC) using USB Basic Mini Firmware
USB Peripheral Human Interface Devices Class Driver (PHID) using Basic Mini Firmware


  1. To use QE for USB with USB Mini Firmware 1.10, copy the following file to directory under [project folder].
    • - [project folder]¥src¥smc_gen¥r_usb_basic_mini¥utilities¥qe_usb_firm_setting.xml
  2. When using USB Mini Firmware 1.10, the functions that "Jump to pipe information" and "Check pipe information" do not work.

Refer to the descriptions of the FIT modules and USB drivers for details of the USB firmware.