Do you have a problem like "Difficult to find the best partner who can develop and integrate specific application on the automotive product" or "Want to get business in new regions but don’t have a strong relationship with native partners"? To solve those problems, Renesas launched Solution Matching System (referred to as SMS) in FY2019 and in FY2022/Sep, Renesas launched Solution Request Site (referred to as SRS) which users can get several best solution proposals from R-Car Consortium partners and communicate with them directly.
In this blog, Renesas explains how to use SMS and SRS and overviews how these systems can contribute to R-Car development on your side.

What’s SMS?
SMS is a great database of information on Proactive Partner technical information and solutions, and users can search and get that information easily. Renesas started the Proactive Partner program and made strategic cooperation with specific R-Car Consortium partners who got several business achievements in the automotive field and have high motivation for solution proposals to achieve that users can find the best partner and solutions easily.
As a highlight of this activity, SMS was launched on the same day that allows users to search for more technical information easily, from the latest Proactive Partner solutions and Support Regions to more technical information such as supported SoCs and functions. For example, when you select Support Region as China and Support Function as Computer Vision, the matched Proactive Partner will be shown. In addition, users can compare different points such as solutions and support items for selected Proactive Partners. In this way, Renesas provides the best information service that makes it easy for users to compare and select the best solution for users' focus.

SMS allows users to search in a very short time in information collection and comparison, but there are weak points that information is as of a certain point in time, and it is difficult to contact Proactive Partner directly after getting information. To solve these weak points and enhance user experience, Renesas launched SRS (Solution Request Site) this year and explain it next section.
What’s SRS?
SRS is a system where users enter their requests into an inquiry form and partners directly respond to them. The strong point is that users can directly receive the best solution proposals from partners in response to their requests and consultations.

SMS is a system where users can search best solution from the technical information posted. However, as mentioned above, there are rare cases where users cannot solve the problem. SRS is a very simple flow, users enter their requests in the inquiry form, and that information is shared with R-Car consortium partners promptly. It is a system that can be received from some partners and users can directly communicate with partners regarding partner proposals, so users can get more information and make new connections.
How did you like it?
Users can find the best partners and solutions more effectively by combining SMS which can easily search for partner information and SRS which can get information directly from partners. In addition, Renesas will continue to update both systems and partner information based on information and requests from users regarding SMS and SRS. Renesas will update and improve the visibility of the posted information regarding the SMS system by the end of October.
If you have any requests, please contact us at the contact address below.
Solution Request Site Office: [email protected]
[1] SMS page
[2] SRS input form
[3] SRS material link