

The PTX130R NFC reader IC featuring native support for the Android™ operating environment provides an ideal way to add NFC communications capability to embedded computing systems built around a touchscreen display. The PTX130R features a very high RF output power of up to 2W at the antenna, providing robust connectivity and enabling OEMs to achieve compliance with the strict requirements of the EMVCo standard for payment card transactions even when operating via an antenna that is placed close to or behind a noisy display.


  • NCI compatible NFC controller for Android integration
  • EMVCo 3.0/3.1 in challenging environment
  • High reading performance: Up to 40% increased reading distance compared to competition
  • SDK for Android, Linux, RTOS, and Bare Metal
  • Faster standard compliance and ease-of-manufacturing




  • EMVCo 3.0/3.1 Point-of-Sale (PoS) systems
  • Android™ devices
  • High-performance IoT applications


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Innovative Renesas NFC Reader Portfolio

Experience the future of NFC technology with Renesas NFC Readers. Say goodbye to cumbersome EMC filters and intricate matching components, as our cutting-edge technology paves the way for seamless integration and sleek, space-efficient designs.