This USB Power Delivery (PD) charger battery management system is designed to deliver up to 140W of power for a 7-cell battery pack. It features a USB Type-C® Port Controller (TCPC) that is compliant with USB Type-C Port Controller Interface (TCPCi) revision 2.0 with Extended Power Range (EPR) and USB Power Delivery revision 3.1 specifications. The Type-C Port Manager (TCPM) function is integrated into the MCU via I2C communication. Additionally, a 30V buck-boost charger supports USB PD EPR, while the 3- to 10-cell battery front-end (BFE) controller and fuel gauge IC is utilized for system health monitoring and status updates.
System Benefits:
- Operates at a voltage of 28V
- Provides 140W charging power
- Complies with USB Power Delivery Specification revision 3.1
- Features autonomous detection and action capabilities
- Employs a single MCU communication solution
- Ensures battery safety and management
- Capable of charging systems with up to 7 cells
- Power tools
- Hand-held electronics
- Light portable electronic devices
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