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Corded Hand Mixer



As home cooking and baking continue to gain popularity, the demand for efficient and affordable kitchen appliances grows. Electric hand mixers have transformed baking for decades, offering convenience and power compared to manual tools. A well-designed hand mixer delivers the strength needed to effortlessly whip up frostings, mashed potatoes, and other recipes.

This cost-effective corded hand mixer system delivers reliable, continuous-speed performance without battery limitations. Its compact, lightweight design makes it perfect for home bakers and cooks seeking both power and portability. Basic HMI features, including indicator LEDs, manual speed dial/selector, and trigger and grip detection switches, ensure seamless user interaction, control, and safe operation.

System Benefits:

  • High power efficiency with the industry's lowest current consumption MCU and an ultra-low standby power converter optimize energy use.
  • Built-in safety compliance with the integrated safety features in the MCU supports household appliance safety standards (IEC/UL 60730) for reliable operation.
  • Smart power regulation with a combination of constant off-time control for heavy loads and Pulse Frequency Modulation (PFM) for light operation, ensuring efficient performance.
  • Enhanced protection features, such as brownout protection, prevent overcurrent at low input voltages, while hiccup protection safeguards against output faults such as short circuits, overloads, and open feedback conditions.



  • Small kitchen appliances

Block Diagram

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WS096: WEB Connector Line Line.60 Line.39 SPST NO Switch Sheet.17 Sheet.18 Sheet.19 Sheet.20 Sheet.21 Sheet.22 Adapter Detection Adapter Detection Adapter Detection Connector Line.24 Diode - LED Sheet.3 Sheet.4 Sheet.5 Sheet.6 Sheet.7 Darlington.651 Sheet.9 Darlington.254 ON/OFF LED ON/OFF LED ON/OFF LED Resistor -Potentiometer Resistor - Fixed Sheet.27 Ground - Earth Sheet.29 Sheet.30 Sheet.31 Sheet.32 Connector Arrow Line Connector Line.41 Connected signals arrow Line Arrow FET n-channel.190 FET n-channel Sheet.47 Sheet.48 Sheet.49 Sheet.50 Sheet.51 Sheet.52 Sheet.53 Negative Power Rail Line.758 Line.759 Line.57 Connector Line.59 12V 12V 12V 5V 5V 5V Shunt Sheet.64 Sheet.65 Sheet.66 Motor Sheet.68 Sheet.69 M M Line.70 Connector Line.71 Connector Line.72 Capacitor Non-polarized Sheet.74 Sheet.75 Sheet.76 Sheet.77 Bridge Rectifier.193 Sheet.79 Sheet.80 Sheet.81 Sheet.82 Sheet.83 Sheet.84 Sheet.85 Sheet.86 Sheet.87 Sheet.88 Sheet.89 Sheet.90 Sheet.91 Sheet.92 Sheet.93 Sheet.94 Line.95 Connector Line.96 Line.97 Connector 1.160 Connector 1.160.99 Connector Line.100 Circle Circle.102 Circle.103 AC Power Source.195 Sheet.105 Alternating Current 85-265 VAC 85-265 VAC 85-265 VAC Sheet.169 Line.160 Triangle Line.141 Sheet.152 Feedback arrow Line.149 Sheet.153 Feedback arrow Line.149 Line.156 Line.161 Line.162 Line.163 Arrow-Right -45 Line.165 Line.166 Line.167 Line.168 Rectangle Zero-Cross Detection Zero-Cross Detection Zero-Cross Detection Connector Arrow.174 Ground - Earth.175 Sheet.176 Sheet.177 Sheet.178 Sheet.179 Line.181 Connector Line.182 Circle.183 SPST NO Switch.184 Sheet.185 Sheet.186 Sheet.187 Sheet.188 Sheet.189 Sheet.190 Line.191 Trigger/Lock Switches Trigger/Lock Switches Trigger/Lock Switches Circle.193 Connector Line.216 Connected signals line Connector Line.218 Connected signals arrow.219 Connected signals arrow.220 Connected signals line.221 WS096 WS096 WS096 LDO LDO LDO Connector Arrow.225 12V 12V 12V Photocoupler Photocoupler Photocoupler Op Amp Op Amp Op Amp TRIAC TRIAC TRIAC AC/DC AC/DC AC/DC Sheet.227 MCU MCU MCU GPIO GPIO GPIO ADC 2 ADC ADC ADC 3 ADC ADC ADC 1 ADC ADC IRQ IRQ IRQ GPT GPT GPT
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