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Portable Wi-Fi Controlled RGBW Lighting



This portable red, green, blue, and white (RGBW) color lighting solution with Wi-Fi control and USB-C power supply is ultra-flexible and can be quickly and easily installed. In this design, Renesas provides a complete solution for RGB color lighting that is also good for cold/warm white general lighting.

System Benefits​:

  • Complete solution for RGBW lighting
  • Easy connection to standard LED bars/stripes
  • Remote Wi-Fi control via smartphone
  • Easy integration into an existing Wi-Fi network or direct connection to a smartphone (AP mode)
  • Single, ubiquitous USB-C power supply
  • Extendable setup using additional lighting units
  • Ultra-portable using a standard USB-C power bank
  • Integrated temperature, humidity and RGB light sensors



  • Ambient lighting in smart homes
  • Event lighting (trade show, party, large event)
  • General lighting
  • Mood lighting

Block Diagram

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4:3 ratio Sheet.69 Sheet.1 Sheet.2 Sheet.3 Sheet.4 EU111 EU111 EU111 USB-C PD Controller USB-C PD Controller USB-C PD Controller 5A Buck Regulator 5A Buck Regulator 5A Buck Regulator Current Sense Amplifier G=20 Current Sense Amplifier G=20 Current Sense Amplifier G=20 Wi-Fi Module Wi-Fi Module Wi-Fi Module Light Sensor Light Sensor Light Sensor Temperature RH Sensor Temperature RH Sensor Temperature RH Sensor 1A Buck Regulator 1A Buck Regulator 1A Buck Regulator 5V 5V 5V PWM PWM PWM LED Bar LED Bar LED Bar Shunt.29 Sheet.30 Sheet.31 Sheet.32 Shunt.33 Sheet.34 Sheet.35 Sheet.36 Input LEDs RGB Sheet.40 Sheet.41 Sheet.43 Sheet.44 Sheet.46 Sheet.47 2.4GHz Antenna 2.4GHz Antenna 2.4GHz Antenna USB Plug Sheet.50 Sheet.51 Sheet.52 Sheet.53 Sheet.54 Connector 1.162 Connector 1.162.60 Connector 1.162.61 Connector 1.162.62 Connector 1.162.63 Connector 1.162.64 Connector 1.162.65 Connector 1.162.66 Sheet.67 Sheet.68 Sheet.70 LDO LDO LDO Sheet.72 Sheet.73 Sheet.75 Sheet.76 Sheet.77 Sheet.78 Sheet.79 Sheet.81 Sheet.82 Sheet.83 Sheet.84 Sheet.86 Sheet.87 Sheet.88 Sheet.89 Sheet.90 Sheet.91 Sheet.92 Sheet.93 Sheet.94 Sheet.95 Sheet.96 Sheet.97 Sheet.98 Sheet.99 Sheet.100 Sheet.101 Power Switch Power Switch Power Switch 18-24V 18-24V 18-24V Shunt (+Fuse) Shunt (+Fuse) Shunt (+Fuse) OR1 OR1 OR1 1,4Amax 1,4Amax 1,4Amax 5V 3Amax 5V 3Amax 5V 3Amax 5V 50µ Amax 5V 50µ Amax 5V 50µ Amax 3V3 100mAmax 3V3 100mAmax 3V3 100mAmax 2V8max 2V8max 2V8max 320mAmax 320mAmax 320mAmax 300µAtyp 300µAtyp 300µAtyp 25µAmax 25µAmax 25µAmax Sheet.116 24V In 24V In 24V In Sheet.120 Sheet.118 Sheet.26 Connector 1.162.121 Op Amp Comparator Sheet.123 Sheet.124 Driver Sheet.126 Sheet.127 Sheet.128 2V8max 2V8max 2V8max Connector 1.162.132 Connector 1.162.133 Negative Power Rail Line.758 Line.759 Sheet.141 Sheet.142 Sheet.143 R R R G G G B B B 4 4 4 4 Sheet.149 Sheet.150 Control MCU Control MCU Control MCU Vdd Vdd Vdd SCI SCI SCI I2C I2C I2C ADC ADC ADC ADC ADC ADC PWM PWM PWM
Exiting Interactive Block Diagram