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Smart Water Leak Sensor



Water leaks are a leading cause of property damage in both residential and commercial buildings. Detecting leaks early can prevent costly repairs and minimize damage to structures, furniture, and electrical systems, significantly reducing insurance claims and maintenance costs before they escalate into major problems.

This smart water leak sensor alerts residents or building operators to any water leaks and can automatically trigger shut-off valves to prevent or reduce further damage. The design features a humidity sensor alongside moisture electrodes for water leak detection and includes a Wi-Fi/Bluetooth®-enabled MCU to send alerts appropriately. The system can be powered via a solar cell or USB and has a backup Li-ion battery to ensure continuous operation.

System Benefits​:

  • Provides Wi-Fi alerts to users or shut-off valves, e.g., via MQTT, for real-time notifications and automated actions.
  • Battery backup keeps the sensor operational during power outages, ensuring reliable and uninterrupted operation.
  • Solar energy harvesting allows sensor use without mains power, enabling energy independence from the electrical grid and extending deployment options.
  • Ultra-low power DC/DC and Wi-Fi enable long operation and standby time.
  • Bluetooth Low Energy (LE) 5 simplifies commissioning via smartphone, allowing for easier setup and faster installation.



  • Smart homes
  • Smart buildings
  • Smart civil infrastructure

Winning Combinations Interactive Diagram

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4:3 ratio Sheet.198 Sheet.199 Sheet.200 Sheet.201 Sheet.202 Sheet.203 Sheet.1 Sheet.2 Sheet.3 Sheet.4 EU153 EU153 EU153 USB Connector USB Connector USB Connector Larger Solar Cell Larger Solar Cell Larger Solar Cell Low Voltage Boost Low Voltage Boost Low Voltage Boost Low Iq Buck/Boost Low Iq Buck/Boost Low Iq Buck/Boost Sheet.28 Sheet.29 Sheet.30 Sheet.31 Sheet.32 Sheet.33 Connector Line.2799 Connector Line.2801 Diode - LED Sheet.37 Sheet.38 Sheet.39 Sheet.40 Sheet.41 Darlington.651 Sheet.43 Darlington.254 Sheet.45 Sheet.46 Sheet.47 Sheet.48 Sheet.49 Sheet.50 Sheet.51 Sheet.52 Sheet.53 Sheet.54 Sheet.55 Sheet.56 Sheet.57 Sheet.58 Tablet Sheet.60 Sheet.61 Sheet.62 Sheet.63 Sheet.64 Touch Key Sheet.66 Sheet.67 Sheet.68 Sheet.69 Sheet.70 Sheet.71 Sheet.72 Sheet.73 Sheet.74 Signal Sheet.76 Sheet.77 Sheet.78 Sheet.79 Shunt Sheet.81 Sheet.82 Sheet.83 Shunt.84 Sheet.85 Sheet.86 Sheet.87 Shunt.88 Sheet.89 Sheet.90 Sheet.91 Battery Li-ion.164 Sheet.93 Sheet.94 Sheet.95 Sheet.96 Sheet.97 Sheet.98 Sheet.99 Sheet.100 Diode - LED.101 Sheet.102 Sheet.103 Sheet.104 Sheet.105 Sheet.106 Darlington.651 Sheet.108 Darlington.254 Diode - LED.110 Sheet.111 Sheet.112 Sheet.113 Sheet.114 Sheet.115 Darlington.651 Sheet.117 Darlington.254 Sheet.119 Sheet.123 Sheet.124 Sheet.125 Sheet.126 Sheet.127 Sheet.128 Sheet.129 Sheet.130 Sheet.131 Sheet.132 Sheet.133 Sheet.134 Sheet.135 Sheet.137 Sheet.138 Sheet.139 Sheet.140 Sheet.141 Sheet.142 Sheet.143 Sheet.144 Sheet.145 Sheet.146 Alternative power supply by USB or Solar Energy Harvesting Alternative power supply by USB or Solar Energy Harvesting Alternative power supply by USB or Solar Energy Harvesting >0.5V >0.5V >0.5V 3.8Vtyp 3.8Vtyp 3.8Vtyp 3.3V 3.3V 3.3V Power Switch Power Switch Power Switch Charge Charge Charge Diode - LED.153 Sheet.154 Sheet.155 Sheet.156 Sheet.157 Sheet.158 Darlington.651 Sheet.160 Darlington.254 Battery Li-ion Backup Battery Li-ion Backup Battery Li-ion Backup 10µAsleep 10µAsleep 10µAsleep 2 Communication Lines B.795 2 2 2 Drive Low Drive Low Drive Low Drive Mid Drive Mid Drive Mid Drive Hi Drive Hi Drive Hi Moisture Electrodes Moisture Electrodes Moisture Electrodes 32.768kHz 32.768kHz 32.768kHz LowBatt LowBatt LowBatt Moisture Moisture Moisture Wi-Fi/MQTT Tx Wi-Fi/MQTT Tx Wi-Fi/MQTT Tx N N N N Sheet.177 5V 500mAmax 5V 500mAmax 5V 500mAmax Diode Sheet.180 Sheet.181 Sheet.182 Diode.183 Sheet.184 Sheet.185 Connector 1.168 5V 5V 5V Sheet.204 Li-ion Charger with Power Management Li-ion Charger with Power Management Li-ion Charger with Power Management Connector 1.168.207 Connector 1.168.208 Connector 1.168.209 Connector 1.168.210 Sheet.215 Sheet.216 40MHz 40MHz 40MHz Connector 1.168.219 Sheet.229 Wi-Fi Bluetooth Module Wi-Fi Bluetooth Module Wi-Fi Bluetooth Module RF Osc. RF Osc. RF Osc. I2C I2C I2C GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO ADC ADC ADC RTC RTC RTC 2.4GHz Antenna 2.4GHz Antenna 2.4GHz Antenna BT5 PHY BT5 PHY BT5 PHY Wi-Fi PHY Wi-Fi PHY Wi-Fi PHY GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO Vdd Vdd Vdd Sheet.226 Sheet.228 Sheet.230 Humidity & Temperature Sensor Humidity & Temperature Sensor Humidity & TemperatureSensor I2C I2C I2C
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