The open-source communities, also known as makerspaces, are gaining more and more supporters, getting away from formerly hacker-like perceptions into wide areas of home, office, and even industrial applications.
Feather is Adafruit's largest brand of open-source hardware boards and accessories. These boards share the same form factor, pinouts, and lithium polymer battery charging capabilities. Certain boards offer special features such as Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, or cellular network connectivity, some dedicated "breadboard" areas for easy prototyping, or an SD card interface. All these boards are supported by extensive software communities around Adafruit and other contributors.
System Benefits:
- High performance 1GHz Arm® Cortex®-A55 MPU
- Linking high-end processing with RTOS support
- General-purpose Feather carrier board
- LiPo battery powered with a LiPo charger
- Low-power design
- Small form factor
- Audio codec (e.g. for home automation)
- Open-source community projects (makerspaces)
- Home automation
- Office automation
- Low-end industrial embedded applications
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