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AC Drive & General Purpose Inverter System



This system provides a basic configuration and essential components for AC drives and general purpose (GP) inverters, serving as a variable-speed controller to precisely regulate shaft rotation speed in induction and synchronous motors. It is widely used in industrial machinery such as conveyors, cranes, elevators, fans, pumps, and compressors. Due to its versatile application scenarios, the system supports multiple optional functions to meet diverse industrial requirements, ensuring adaptability and efficiency in various settings.

System Benefits​:

  • Customers can easily fulfill major IC specification requirements of AC drives and GP inverter systems
  • Provides a high-accuracy motor control system with high-performance MCU and integrated analog devices
  • High-performance MCU supports motor control and communication in one MCU



  • AC drives and general purpose (GP) inverters
  • Industrial machinery
  • Motor applications with induction motor and synchronous motor

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4:3 ratio Sheet.304 Sheet.305 Sheet.306 Sheet.278 Sheet.1 Sheet.2 Sheet.3 Sheet.4 JP116 JP116 JP116 GaN FET GaN FET GaN FET Isolation Amp 2 Isolation Amp Isolation Amp Op Amp 2 Op Amp Op Amp RS4-85 Transceiver RS-485 Transceiver RS-485 Transceiver USB Port USB Port USB Port Ethernet Ethernet Ethernet CAN Transceiver CAN Transceiver CAN Transceiver Inductor Coreless (Air conductor) Sheet.44 Sheet.45 Sheet.46 Sheet.47 Sheet.48 Sheet.49 Sheet.50 Sheet.51 Sheet.52 Sheet.54 Sheet.55 Sheet.56 Shunt.61 Sheet.62 Sheet.63 Sheet.64 Shunt.65 Sheet.66 Sheet.68 IGBT Module Shunt Register Shunt Register Shunt Register Motor Sheet.74 Sheet.75 M M Sheet.168 Sheet.172 Sheet.173 Sheet.174 Sheet.175 Sheet.176 Sheet.179 Sheet.182 Sheet.183 Sheet.186 Sheet.187 Sheet.195 Connector Box Sheet.167 Connector Line.116 Connector Line.117 Connector Line.119 Diode Sheet.39 Sheet.40 Sheet.41 AC 200V ~ 400V AC 200V ~ 400V AC 200V ~ 400V Connector Line Sheet.193 PFC PFC PFC Shunt Sheet.58 Sheet.59 Sheet.60 MOSFET Master.212 Sheet.114 Sheet.115 Sheet.116 Sheet.117 Sheet.118 Sheet.119 Connector.210 Connector.211 Sheet.122 Sheet.123 Sheet.124 Sheet.125 Sheet.126 Sheet.127 Sheet.128 Gate Drive Coupler Gate Drive Coupler Gate Drive Coupler Sheet.178 Sheet.180 Sheet.177 Sheet.171 Sheet.184 Connector 1 Connector 1.232 390V 390V 390V Sheet.185 Connector 1.234 Connector 1.235 Connector 1.236 Connector 1.238 Connector 1.239 Connector 1.240 Connector 1.241 Connector 1.242 Connector 1.244 Sheet.245 Sheet.246 Sheet.256 Sheet.243 Sheet.255 Sheet.253 Sheet.251 Sheet.252 Sheet.257 Sheet.258 Voltage Sensing Voltage Sensing Voltage Sensing Sheet.262 Sheet.263 Sheet.264 Sheet.266 Connector 1.272 To Isolation Amp To Op Amp To Isolation Amp To Op Amp To Isolation AmpTo Op Amp Connector Arrow.277 7 Communication Lines B.795 7 7 7 U/V/W & Break U/V/W & Break U/V/W & Break Sheet.287 Sheet.288 Sheet.289 Sheet.291 Connector Line.114 Connector Line.115 Connector Line.116 Connector Line.117 Connector Line.119 Sheet.307 Sheet.308 Sheet.309 Sheet.311 Sheet.313 Sheet.314 Sheet.315 Sheet.316 Sheet.317 Sheet.318 Connector 1.319 Component block.745 Component block.631 Sheet.276 Sheet.324 Sheet.325 Sheet.326 Isolated AC/DC x n ch 20V 2A 20V 2A 20V 2A 20V 2A 20V 2A 20V 2A Sheet.331 Sheet.332 Sheet.333 Connector 1.334 7 7 7 7 Sheet.337 4 4 4 4 Sheet.340 Sheet.341 Sheet.342 Sheet.343 Sheet.344 Sheet.345 Sheet.347 Sheet.350 Sheet.351 Connector 1.365 Connector 1.366 Sheet.369 Sheet.370 Sheet.371 Connector 1.372 Connector 1.373 Sheet.375 Sheet.376 Sheet.377 Connector 1.378 Connector 1.379 IGBT Module IGBT Module* IGBT Module* Sheet.419 Sheet.420 Sheet.416 Sheet.427 Sheet.445 Sheet.446 Sheet.447 Sheet.448 Sheet.449 Sheet.450 Sheet.454 Sheet.455 Sheet.456 Sheet.457 Sheet.458 Sheet.459 Sheet.460 Sheet.461 Sheet.462 Sheet.463 Sheet.470 Sheet.471 For IPM (Intelligent Power Module) Intelligent Power Module (IPM)* Intelligent Power Module (IPM)* Pre-Driver & Protection Circuit Pre-Driver & Protection Circuit Pre-Driver & Protection Circuit Sheet.389 Sheet.390 Sheet.391 Sheet.392 7 Communication Lines B.795 7 7 7 U/V/W & Break U/V/W & Break U/V/W& Break 4 Communication Lines B.795 4 4 4 Alarm Alarm Alarm From MCU From MCU From MCU To MCU To MCU To MCU 7 Communication Lines B.795 7 7 7 Communication Lines 2.406 Communication Lines B.795 4 4 4 4 Communication Lines B.795 4 4 4 3.3V <450mA 3.3V <450mA 3.3V <450mA Component block.200 Isolated AC/DC 2 Isolated AC/DC Isolated AC/DC Synchronous Rectifier 2 Synchronous Rectifier SynchronousRectifier Transformer Transformer Transformer Transformer Sheet.486 Inductor Sheet.488 Sheet.489 Sheet.490 Sheet.491 Line.841 Inductor Air Core.212 Sheet.494 Sheet.495 Sheet.496 Sheet.497 Sheet.498 Sheet.499 Sheet.500 Sheet.501 Sheet.502 Component block.77 Isolated AC/DC x n ch Isolated AC/DC x n ch Isolated AC/DC 1 Isolated AC/DC Isolated AC/DC Synchronous Rectifier 1 Synchronous Rectifier SynchronousRectifier Sheet.509 Transformer Transformer Transformer Sheet.511 Inductor Sheet.513 Sheet.514 Sheet.515 Sheet.516 Line.841 Inductor Air Core.212 Sheet.519 Sheet.520 Sheet.521 Sheet.522 Sheet.523 Sheet.524 Sheet.525 Sheet.526 Sheet.527 Sheet.529 U U U V V V W W W Sheet.533 Isolation Amp 3 Isolation Amp Isolation Amp Op Amp 3 Op Amp Op Amp Isolation Amp 5 Isolation Amp Isolation Amp Op Amp 5 Op Amp Op Amp Isolation Amp 4 Isolation Amp Isolation Amp Op Amp 4 Op Amp Op Amp IGBT Coupler x7 IGBT Coupler x7 IGBT Coupler x7 Comparator Comparator x4 Comparator x4 Photocoupler Photocoupler x4 Photocoupler x4 IPM Driver Coupler IPM Driver Coupler x7 IPM Driver Coupler x7 Photo Coupler 2 Photocoupler x4 Photocoupler x4 Isolation Amp 1 Isolation Amp Isolation Amp Op Amp 1 Op Amp Op Amp MCU MCU MCU MCU PWM PWM PWM USB USB USB Ethernet MAC Ethernet MAC Ethernet MAC CAN FD CAN FD CAN FD UART UART UART PWM PWM PWM GPIO GPIO GPIO ADC ADC ADC .543 *IGBT Module or IPM *IGBT Module or IPM
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