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Functional Safety Solution for Capacitive Touch Sensor

Renesas capacitive touch sensors (CTSU and CTSU2) can diagnose their own internal circuit with self test software. This software is included in the software package as part of the CTSU and CTSU2 modules.

 Supported software packagesNote
RA Family

Please use the following for the Integrated Development Environment (IDE) and capacitive touch development tool.

RL78 Family

Please use the following for the Integrated Development Environment (IDE) and capacitive touch development tool.

RX Family

(Reference) FIT: Firmware Integration Technology

Please use the following for the Integrated Development Environment (IDE) and capacitive touch development tool.

Renesas Synergy™ PlatformComing soon-
  • Diagnostic function is performed by calling API functions. And capacitive touch sensors not only measure capacitance but also diagnose their own internal circuit. See the Application Note: RA Family, RL78 Family, RX Family, Renesas Synergy™ Platform CTSU Self Test Software for detailed information.
  • Accelerate the acquisition of IEC/UL60730 certification for final products which support capacitive touch function by using together with Renesas Functional Safety Solutions for Home Appliances. (You can also use your own program instead of Renesas Functional Safety Solutions for Home Appliances.)
  • Easily set the diagnostic function using Development Assistance Tool for Capacitive Touch Sensors:QE for Capacitive Touch, create a project, set the configuration and output a sample program.


RA Family, RL78 Family, RX Family, Renesas Synergy™ Platform CTSU Self Test Software (PDF)


You can search on the UL website.

  1. Enter “XAAZ2” in Search UL Certification Information.
  2. Click “XXAZ2.E359023” (Renesas Electronics America Inc) in the Document items.
    *UL Product iQ account registration is required for detailed confirmation such as supported version names.