The SH7046 Series single-chip RISC (Reduced Instruction Set Computer) microprocessors integrate a Renesas-original RISC CPU core with peripheral functions required for system configuration. The SH7046 series CPU has a RISC-type instruction set. Most instructions can be executed in one state (one system clock cycle), which greatly improves instruction execution speed. In addition, the 32-bit internal-bus architecture enhances data processing power. With this CPU, it has become possible to assemble low cost, high performance/high-functioning systems, even for applications that were previously impossible with microprocessors, such as real-time control, which demands high speeds. In addition, the SH7046 series includes on-chip peripheral functions necessary for system configuration, such as large-capacity ROM and RAM, timers, a serial communication interface (SCI), an A/D converter, an interrupt controller (INTC), and I/O ports.
- Home Appliance
Design & Development
Software & Tools
Software & Tools
Software title
Software type
JPEG Encode and Decode Library JPEG Library
Imaging | Renesas |
HI7000/4 Real-time OS for SuperH Family μITRON4.0 Specification real-time OS for SH-1,SH-2,SH2-DSP,SH-2A,SH2A-FPU [Required IDE :High-performance Embedded Workshop]
ITRON OS | Renesas |
C/C++ Compiler Package for SuperH Family C/C++ Compiler package for SuperH RISC engine Family. Simulator debugger and High-performance Embedded Workshop included.
Compiler/Assembler | Renesas |
High-performance Embedded Workshop Renesas integrated development environment (IDE) (for SuperH, RX, R8C, M32R, M16C, H8SX, H8S, H8, and 740 families).
IDE and Coding Tool | Renesas |
Flash Development Toolkit (Programming GUI) Flash memory programming software. [Support MCU/MPU and devices: SuperH RISC engine, RX, R8C, M16C, H8SX, H8S, H8, 740]
Programmer (Unit/SW) | Renesas |
Simulator Debugger for SuperH Family Simulator debugger for the SuperH RISC engine family [Support IDE : High-performance Embedded Workshop] (Note: This product is included in Compiler Package and is not available separately.)
Simulator | Renesas |
6 items
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ECAD Models
Schematic symbols, PCB footprints, and 3D CAD models from SamacSys can be found by clicking on products in the Product Options table. If a symbol or model isn't available, it can be requested directly from the website.
