The SH7750R is a 32-bit RISC (reduced instruction set computer) microprocessor, featuring object code upward-compatibility with SH-1, SH-2, and SH-3 microcomputers. It includes an instruction cache, an operand cache with a choice of copy-back or write-through mode, and an MMU (memory management unit) with a 64-entry fully-associative unified TLB (translation look aside buffer). The SH7750R has a 16-kbyte instruction cache and a 32-kbyte data cache. The SH7750R has an on-chip bus state controller (BSC) that allows connection to DRAM and synchronous DRAM. Its 16-bit fixed-length instruction set enables program code size to be reduced by almost 50% compared with 32-bit instructions.
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Software & Tools
Software title
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C/C++ Compiler Package for SuperH Family C/C++ Compiler package for SuperH RISC engine Family. Simulator debugger and High-performance Embedded Workshop included.
Compiler/Assembler | Renesas |
MISRA C Rule Checker SQMlint MISRA C Rule Checker (option)
Compiler/Assembler | Renesas |
E10A-USB HS0005KCU01H for H-UDI Interface E10A-USB emulator not supporting AUD trace function.
Emulator | Renesas |
E10A-USB HS0005KCU02H for AUD Trace Function E10A-USB emulator supporting AUD trace function.
Emulator | Renesas |
High-performance Embedded Workshop Renesas integrated development environment (IDE) (for SuperH, RX, R8C, M32R, M16C, H8SX, H8S, H8, and 740 families).
IDE and Coding Tool | Renesas |
Simulator Debugger for SuperH Family Simulator debugger for the SuperH RISC engine family [Support IDE : High-performance Embedded Workshop] (Note: This product is included in Compiler Package and is not available separately.)
Simulator | Renesas |
6 items
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ECAD Models
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