Evaluation Kit for RA6M5 MCU Group
The EK-RA6M5 evaluation kit enables users to effortlessly evaluate the features of the RA6M5 MCU Group and develop embedded systems applications using the Flexible...
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DSP ConceptsのTalkTo™は、デバイスから話者が離れていたり、ノイズが多い環境でも業界最高のマシーンリスニング性能を実現します。音声制御が必要なあらゆる種類のスマートデバイスに最適です。RAシリーズのMCUですぐに利用可能です。
This demonstration will show voice recognition responses to a wake word phrase "Hey, Renesas" and some laundry-specific commands. This RA Ready Voice UI solution uses the Renesas RA6M5 MCU, DSP Concepts' two-microphone TalkTo™ audio front end and Sensory's embedded wake word and phrase recognition engines.