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The ASSP EASY Voice HMI Kit is based on the R9A06G150 RISC-V ASSP. It is an edge voice recognition development kit designed to be used by ecosystem partners, application engineers, field application engineers, and for business development opportunities. The primary purpose is to evaluate the functionality of projects developed by ecosystem partners and to facilitate the development of additional partner projects.

The heart of the kit is the QFN 48-pin ASSP device, complemented by a QSPI flash with large data storage capabilities, operational amplifier, audio codec, and power devices chosen from the Renesas product portfolio. The kit enables engineers to easily test and evaluate the performance of the ASSP in a laboratory environment to implement voice-driven human machine interfaces, capable of spotting activation keywords and perform audio-driven command execution. It kit can be powered directly from the USB port of a Host PC for demo purposes and includes both analog and digital microphones onboard.


  • Microphones (audio inputs):
    • PDM MEMS digital microphones
    • Two MEMS analog microphones
    • Two I2S MEMS digital microphones (optional, not populated on the board)
    • The distance between each pair of microphones is more than 40mm which is suitable for beamforming applications.
  • Audio outputs:
    • One stereo audio headphone jack supporting mono output on both channels.
  • External memory:
    • One QSPI flash memory device, Renesas AT25QF128A-SHB-T, 128Mbit (16MB), with support for XIP (eXecute In Place) mode, to be used for storing customer-specific audio files and extensions.
  • Connectors:
    • Pmod™: Two Digilent Pmod connectors: CN1 connector supports UART, SPI configurations. CN2 connector supports I3C configuration.
    • Debug: 4-wire standard JTAG and supports Segger J-Link as a debug probe.
    • USB: USB-C connector(CN4) for power input and one Virtual COM port for log output.
  • User inputs and outputs:
    • LEDs: Three LEDs, LED1 (Red) and LED2 (Green) configurable by the user. LED4 (Blue) is the 3.3V power indicator.
    • Buttons: One RESET button (SW1), and one USER button (SW2).
  • Form factor: 8cm x 6cm



Type Title Date
Manual - Development Tools PDF 823 KB
Brochure PDF 3.63 MB
Product Brief PDF 312 KB 日本語
Flyer PDF 407 KB
Schematic PDF 212 KB
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