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In today's society, people are paying more attention to their personal health data, including body weight, body fat percentage and other body composition measurements. As a result, body fat scales are becoming more and more popular. Using Renesas' Smart Body Fat Scale solution, information for health management such as body fat can be measured easily. The body fat scale includes four weighing sensors and four metal electrodes for body impedance measurement. When people stand on the four metal electrodes, the body impedance can be measured by an impedance detection circuit, and then by combining this information with height, gender, age, and weight, the body fat and other health parameters can be calculated. The resulting value calculated from weight and bio-impedance can be displayed on an LCD monitor and checked through a smartphone application simultaneously.

This solution features the RL78/L1A MCU integrated with rich analog peripherals and an LCD, and the RL78/G1D MCU's BLE communication function. It is suitable for healthcare bio-sensing applications.

* This solution is a non-medical device.

Disclaimer: THIS MATERIAL IS PROVIDED “AS-IS” FOR EVALUATION PURPOSES ONLY. RENESAS ELECTRONICS CORPORATION AND ITS SUBSIDIARIES (collectively, “Renesas”) DISCLAIM ALL WARRANTIES, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND MERCHANTABILITY. Renesas provides evaluation platforms and design proposals to help our customers to develop products. However, factors beyond Renesas' control, including without limitation, component variations, temperature changes and PCB layout, could significantly affect the product performance. It is the user’s responsibility to verify the actual circuit performance.


  • Demo board includes the RL78/L1A and the RL78/G1D module
  • Flash ROM size of the RL78/L1A is 96KB and the RAM size is 5.5KB
  • Smartphone app available to communicate with the Smart Body Fat Scale via its built-in Bluetooth module
  • Includes four weighing sensors for weight measurement
  • Includes four metal electrodes for body impedance measurement
  • Uses the Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis (BIA) technique
  • Displays body weight, body mass index (BMI), body fat percentage and body impedance
  • Power supply: Four AAA batteries



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Brochure PDF 12.02 MB 日本語
Datasheet PDF 668 KB
Datasheet PDF 927 KB 日本語
3 items

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