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RZ/A2M Software Package is a software development kit for the RZ/A2M that supports various RZ/A2M functions such as DRP(Dynamically Reconfigurable Processor), camera input, LCD output, and image adjustment. It consists of device drivers, middleware, sample programs for the RZ/A2M and FreeRTOS OS.

In addition to the RZ/A2M Software Package GCC version, the IAR Embedded Workbench for Arm version is also available for customers who prefer to use the IAR Systems’ Integrated Development Environment (IAR C/C++ Compiler integrated IAR Embedded Workbench® for Arm).

Target Devices

Additional Details

Supported Functions

RZ/A2M FreeRTOS™ Software Package IAR C/C++ Compiler™ version supports following functions.

MiddlewareFile System (FatFS)
TCP/IP Protocol Stack
SystemStandby Mode Management
Firmware Update (UART)
TimerOS Timer
Graphics IPCamera
JPEG Codec
LCD (Display)
Image Pre-processing (DRP Library)
InterfaceSerial Communication (I2C)
Serial Communication (UART)
Wi-Fi (UART)
USB Host (MSC)
USB Function(CDC)
SD Memory Card (*1)
SDIO (*1)
Touch Screen
AnalogA/D Converter

*1 : If UHS-l mode support is needed, please contact us.

Operation Environment

Integrated development environmentIAR Embedded Workbench for Arm
CompilerIAR C/C++ Compiler
Supported boardRZ/A2M Evaluation Board Kit

Package Information

As the IAR C/C++ Compiler version, RZ/A2M Simple Applications Package(IAR Embedded Workbench for Arm)is available. This software package includes driver software for each IP on RZ/A2M and sample application programs.

Software Package NameLatest VersionReleasedFeaturesDownload
RZ/A2M Simple Applications Package (IAR Embedded Workbench for Arm)5.40Sep. 29, 2023

Simple software projects include the usage for each driver and each middleware as follows.

  • Blinky Application
  • Graphics Applications(Camera & Display, JPEG, Sprite Engine)
  • DRP basic sample program
  • I2C bus interface sample program
  • Ethernet sample program
  • Wi-Fi (UART) sample program(*1)
  • ADC sample program
  • SD FATFS sample program (*2)
  • USBH FATFS sample program
  • USBH HID sample program
  • USBF CDC sample program
  • Low Power Mode sample program
  • DMAC sample program
  • RTC sample program
  • Firmware Update sample program
  • PWM sample program
  • Touch screen sample program
  • SSIF sample program

[Supported software]

  • OS: FreeRTOS V10.4.3-LTS-patch-1, OS abstraction
  • Middleware: FreeRTOS+TCP, DRP library
  • Driver: DRP, VDC6, LVDS, JPEG, MIPI/VIN, CEU, Timer, UART, I2C, RSPI, SSIF, DMAC, ADC, SD, USBH, USBF, Low Power Mode, RTC, HyperBus, GPT
RZ/A2M Group RZ/A2M Simple Applications Package (IAR Embedded Workbench for ARM) V5.50 (ZIP | English, 日本語)
RZ/A2M SDIO Wi-Fi Package (IAR Embedded Workbench for Arm)1.03May. 31, 2023

Sample usage of the feature that transmits captured MIPI camera images via SDIO Wi-Fi module for RZ/A2M Evaluation Board Kit. (*2) (*3)

[Supported software]

  • OS: FreeRTOS V10.4.3-LTS-patch-1, OS abstraction
  • Middleware: DRP library
  • Driver: SX-SDMAC, MIPI/VIN, CEU, Timer, UART, I2C, ADC, SDIO, JCU, HyperBus
RZ/A2M Group RZ/A2M SDIO Wi-Fi Package (IAR Embedded Workbench for ARM) V1.05 (ZIP | English, 日本語)

(*1) To use the Wi-Fi function, need to connect Digilent Pmod EPS32 module via UART.
(*2) If UHS-l mode support is needed, please contact usSD Host/Ancillary Product License Agreement (SD HALA) is required to develop SD host-related products.
(*3) This package supports Silex Technology SX-SDCAC-2380-SP as a Wi-Fi module. Please refer to RZ/A2M SDIO Wi-Fi Package page for more details.

Target Devices

RZ FamilyRZ/A2M


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